CH. 3

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CH. 3

Ch. 3
(James and Loran)

I laid out on James’ immaculate bed with a sigh reading through the newspaper for anything interesting. The other kids my age only read the comics, for me the comics were dull, without any form of amusement for me. James was the same which was probably why the two of us found ourselves cooped up in his room on a pleasant summer day bored out of our minds. We had long since solved all of the old cases we had come across and my mother refused to let us go to some other more populated city to have a fresh set off puzzles. It was obvious she didn’t approve of my past time but them again she never did. More than once she compared my cork bored full of newspaper cut outs and
sticky notes to a criminal’s target list.

She really didn’t understand me I thought as I flipped to the section on recent crimes. Our town was dull, it never had enough puzzles to be solved I thought in disappointment as I read the title of the first article on the page.
An Unexpected passing

Reverend Higginson was found lying dead in the forest yesterday. Police say it was a homicide but so far no suspects are to be found. Everyone who knew the Reverend must surely be grieving the loss of such a fine down to earth man.  More information will be released as the case unfolds.

I looked happily up from the newspaper to where James was wearily clicking off another news site that he must have deemed worthless, “Boring, the whole lot of them. All I have to do is read the first paragraph and I can predict the rest. Since when was life so dull? “ He asked.

I knew he was talking to me, I was after all the only person he ever spoke a word to other than his mother who still got the silent treatment most of the time. James said she was dull and without a brain in her head, personally I found her quite pleasant but I would never argue with James. Remembering the article in my hand I jumped up from the bed quickly slamming down on the desk in front of James excitedly. It wasn’t an open closed case like the rest of them. There were no suspects yet, nothing really other than the fact that he died. The article didn’t even mention how he died! Excitement was growing in me as James stared up at me for a second in confusion glancing over at the now wrinkled bed covers as well.

Looking down in embarrassment I mumbled a small apology before continuing to present the article I found in a few words I knew he’d understand. “I found something interesting.” I stated pointing down at the now crinkled newspaper.

Before he even looked at it I watched as he carefully straightened it out relieving every bend in his usual way. Finishing he started to read. Slowly a small smile crept across his perfect face, yes, James was handsome but that just added to the reasons why he was still my hero. At one point he had just been my hero who I never spoke to, now he was my friend as well.

“Finally something has come up.” He grinned carefully folding the newspaper before standing up and heading towards the door. He knew I would follow, I always did. Rushing to catch up I equaled my pace to his and we walked in silence towards the police station.

It wasn’t that far from his house really just a couple blocks, then again most things were close by. He lived in an apartment complex so there were loads of families living amongst each other. I did too but that was beside the point. James seemed impatient today and hailed a cab for us to take.

The ride, as all rides passed in silence. James quickly examined the driver and looked at me as if he expected me to do the same. No, correction he did expect it. Recently he had taken it upon himself to teach me how to analyze things, starting from people. I let my eyes run over the driver and the contents of the vehicle casually as James had taught me to occasionally stopping for a second on items that were a give away like the ash tray in the front but no ash on the man’s sleeves. So he wasn’t a smoker but he was prepared for people who were to enter in the vehicle without putting out their cigars. His messy hair and the large bags under his eyes that I could see in the rear view mirror said he had been sleeping on a cheaper mattress than he was used to and had hits some hard times. That was one thing about analyzing people, after you knew where they had been and what they had been doing you were either disgusted or pitying them.

Never Ending Game*A Sherlock, Moriarty fan fic*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora