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Liv's POV

The morning sun glared through the window. I twisted and turned trying to get a few seconds of sleep in. I opened my eyes to the sunlight and sat up stretching with a yawn following after.I took in my surroundings - an average sized room with the comfortable king sized bed. On my right, was a bathroom and to my left was a small closet. In front of me was the beautiful blue ocean. That was when the thought of what happened yesterday hit me. I got married to John and we became 'one'.

The aroma of a fresh, sweet breakfast hit my nostrils and that brought a smile to my face. The last time he ever made me food what our first date which was a picnic.

"Isn't this beautiful? Look at God's nature" He stated. I smiled at everything. "Thank you for this." I bit into a hotdog. John went all out here. He brought fruit kabobs, chilled apple juice, apples, oreo cookies, big size Lays original. Everything.

That brought a smile to my face. I put on my fluffy slippers and went to my bag by the closet, took out my toothbrush and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I noticed a card on the countertop so I opened it to read a note from John. 

Morning beautiful. I had a feeling you would come here. I have a very delicious, tasty breakfast ready for you this morning.

I smiled at the words. 

Small things can make a difference.

I brushed my teeth, plumped my lips with lip-balm and put my hair up which came out to be a messy bun but I didn't care.

I walked towards the kitchen and saw John, his back facing me, flipping something. I knew it was chocolate chip pancakes from the aroma I had smelt earlier. I hugged him from the back and placed a small kiss in his spine. He flinched a little then relaxed in my embrace.

"How was your sleep beautiful?" He asked, not looking from the pan. "Perfect. And I saw your little note in the bathroom" I smiled into his back. He turned around and gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

"I made a gourmet breakfast. Do you remember the last time I cooked for you?" He looked at me with those lovely sky blue eyes of his. "Yes I do actually. Our first date and you brought all those foods and drinks not knowing how to set up a picnic." I mocked him,laughing, getting two plates from the dishwasher to set on the table.

He placed the scrambled eggs and bacon on a porcelain platter then took a jug of orange juice and two glass cups. "Hey, at least I can cook food" he protested, wrapping his arms, to make an angry posture with an angry face.

"True but there is something called social media and the internet and a search engine" I walked up to him, unfolded his arms and gave him a small kiss on my tippy toes. We walked to the little dining room set for us in this hotel .

"Heavenly father, I thank you for this beautiful morning. We are grateful to be able to see another day. Father, we  thank you for what happened yesterday. The joining of us has brought a smile to both of our faces. As we experience this honeymoon together, we pray that your will be done. May this food that we are eating be blessed in Jesus name"  I prayed.

"Amen" John replied, opening his eyes with a smile.

"What do we have planned for today?" I asked, taking a syrup and stirring it on my pancake. He grinned, "It's a surprise". 

"Fine but you know I hate surprises" I took a bite of my pancake. "Except when it comes to me and food, right?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"True." We finished our meal in silence, just listening to the air around us and hearing the waves of the ocean. Our hotel was facing towards the beach and I couldn't wait to swim. It has been long. Actually ever since I finished college. We got up and put our plates in the dishwasher to let it run itself and then headed to the room.

"I call the showers first" I announced and took my towel while he was looking for his in his bag. I walked inside and saw another card on the countertop. I swear he didn't even go inside the bathroom. How was he doing this? I let the water run hot then stripped out my clothes inside the shower.

I heard the door open and John entered the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth. My eyes couldn't resist 'seeing' him. God!! "I can tell that you are checking me out" he spoke out of nowhere. My face turned red as I let the water wash off my body. "Am not. I didn't even hear you walk in"

"Why are you bathing with hot water? This place is foggy" he asked. I laughed, "You might as well get used to it. It feels good. You should try it"

He only chuckled and then went out the bathroom once he was done brushing. I washed my face, dried myself and wrapped myself in my towel. Leaving the bathtub, I went to the countertop and read the note. 

Hope you had a great breakfast. Today is going to be a pamper day so get all dressed up in a cozy attire darling. Now get out from the bathroom so that your man can take a shower.

I laughed at the last part. I washed my hair with only conditioner then blow dried it. I plaited my hair into a French braid pigtails. I did my makeup and headed out the bathroom. John's back was faced towards me on the bed towards the window. I hugged him from behind and looked at what he was doing. Looking through our engagement pictures.

"Look at you. How come I never knew that someone was taking pictures?" I asked. "It would have made you suspected something was going on" he turned around to face me, gave me a peck on the forehead and headed into the bathroom.

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