Chapter 5: Unexpected Experiment

Start from the beginning

          Instead of listening, I wildly whipped around, the table was creaking, the restraints hissed, until finally I stopped. There's no use.

           I hissed as the needle plunged into my sensitive skin, extracting a fair amount of red blood cells until finally it retracted, leaving a small pool of blood to gain size at the small wound. Instead of wiping my arm, the man instead went towards another table to set down my fresh blood for later use. "Ah, this'll do nicely."

           I hissed and struggled again, getting aggravated with the limited freedom and claustrophobia that overwhelmed me.

          "A feisty one, just like the Warden described," he said making me look at him in shock.

          "W-Wait, the Warden?"

          The doctor looked behind him, puzzled, before a grin fixated on his grotesque features, "Don't worry, this is just a little secret, alright? The Warden actually had no part in this, I am just doing my job as the Doctor."

          "Doctor? How the hell can someone call you something as professional as a doctor?!" I shouted and sat upwards, fast, before being pulled back down by the restraints.

           He didn't respond, but only hummed a tune as he messed with my DNA. I shivered, although it was no longer apart of me, I still had the aching feeling of disgust as he experimented on the blood.

          "Can I go now?" I asked hopefully, "I have a job to attend to, you know."

           "Hm? Oh, your not going for at least a week or so," the Doctor replied nonchalantly.

            "A week?!" I exclaimed, not wanting to be here for another second. I struggled again, screaming profanities and called for help, the Doctor seemingly unperturbed, well, until a knock was landed on the metal door separating me from freedom.

           "Hello? Are you there? I heard screaming, is everything alright?" a muffled voice called, seemingly familiar until I realized it was the Warden. How convenient.

           "Y-Yes, Warden, H-," I called back before the Doctor shut me up with a disgusting rag. I whimpered, the disgusting stench reaching my nostrils and numbing my senses.

          "N-Nein! Everything's alright, Warden, go along," the Doctor called uneasily.

          "Are you sure, because I swore I heard (Y/N) in there....," he answered, confused.

          "Ah, no, that was-OW, you SON OF A B--CH!" the Doctor exclaimed as I bit his thumb before exclaimed a yowl for help.

           "(Y-Y/N)?" He called before the door was opened wide open to reveal not only the Warden, but Jailbot as well. I sighed in relief as I saw them as the Doctor's eyes darted wildly around the room for an excuse.

           "I-I can explain, Warden!" the Doctor cried as he held up his hands in defense.

          "Oh? So you can explain why my precious (Y/N) is sitting on a blood-stained table with tubing sticking out of her?" the Warden retorted.

          "U-Uh, ah, yes, that," the Doctor stuttered before being pushed into one of his masses of equipment by Jailbot's extended arm. The robot gently took out the tubing, blood disgustingly jutting out from the small holes, and undid the straps before pulling me off the uncleaned surface of the table.

           "Oh, god, thank you, I though I was a goner for a moment there," I sheepishly chuckled, clutching my side where a small trail of blood oozed. I winced as Jailbot wrapped a fine, white linen wrap around my bare torso and walked me towards the Warden.

           The Warden immediately came to my side in concern, "What did he do to you, my sweet, sweet, (N/Nickname)?"

            I gained up all my strength to flash him a weak smile, "I'm alright, it's just a few spots that needed to be tended to, I'll live."

            "You sure?" the Warden asked, placing both hands on my shoulders in a attempt to look serious. It failed with his goofy attire.

           I nodded, smiling a bit wider before walking out and heading back to Alice's room, of course, with the help of the duo, but about three quarters of the way I went on by myself, knowing fully well I could care for myself.

           "Wow, that was pathetic. Shouting for help? Hah! I could've escaped with my eyes closed in no time!" I chortled to myself, but knew quite well that was a understatement. I couldn't in fact escape, I was only trying to, emphasis 'trying to', cheer myself up. It didn't work, but at least I got a small laugh.

           When I got to Alice's room, I immediately changed into my uniform, seeing as Alice was in the shower, before leaving without another word, my side aching and my heart pounding. I just realized he still held my DNA.....I shivered at the thoughts, knowing he could do whatever he wished to such a privilege that he had attainted.....

Eh, what's the worst that could happen? 

Mistake (Male Super Jail x  reader)Where stories live. Discover now