I feel indigo, how about you?

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//Max's POV//

"Im pregnant"  were the last words Lynn said to me.

"Dude whats wrong?" Craig asked. "shes pregnant" I said and faced the guys. "what?" they asked. "Lynn is pregnant" I shouted. "dude are you serious?" Craig asked. "congratulations man!" Kevin shouted. "Im going to be an uncle!" Robert shouted. "is she still on the phone?" TJ asked. "Oh shit yeah," I said and placed the phone back to my ear. 

"Lynn, are you okay?" I asked. "yeah, just a bit worried" she said. "Okay, im going to fly home, Ill be there soon" I said and hung up,"sorry guys but my wife is pregnant" I said and started packing my bags. 


It was four in the morning when I arrived in California. 

"Madison what are you doing here?" I asked Lynn's mom. "my daughter is pregnant, its only logical im here while youre on tour" she said. "wheres lynn?" I asked. "shes sleeping, its been a long day" Madison said and smiled," you should get some rest, so that tomorrow you can see a doctor and get an ultrasound of your baby" Madison suggested. "yeah youre right, thanks for staying with Lynn" I said as I took off my jacket. "No problem Max, of course I was gonna take care of my daughter and grandchild" she said and smiled. "good night Madison" I said and walked off. 

I laid next to Lynn and look at her stomach, she was carrying my child. I had always wanted a baby, and to think that now it was all coming true, I was going to be a father. 

//Lynn's POV// 

It was six in the morning when I woke up. I looked to my right and saw Max. I had to talk to Luis and inform him on what was going on. 

I slowly got trying not to wake him up. 

I slipped on a black Michigan State hoodie over my black shorts and red Chicago bulls cut off tee.I slipped on some toms and walked out into the living room. I quickly grabbed the keys hoping I wouldn't wake my mother up.  

"Lynn what are you doing here its six in the morning" Luis groaned as he opened the door. "Max knows I'm pregnant," I said. "what?" Luis asked. "he knows I'm pregnant" I repeated. "does he know its mine?" Luis asked. "youd think I'd still be alive if he knew" I asked," he thinks its his" I said. "who told him?" Luis asked. "my mom" I said. "why?" Luis asked. "Its a story ill tell you some other time" I said and sat on his couch. "what are we gonna do?" I asked. "how many months are you?" Luis asked. "One or two" I said. "we're gonna keep it a secret, until the baby is born. By then I'll think of something" Luis said. "what are we gonna do when the baby is born?" I asked. "I'll think of something" Luis said and kissed my forehead," in the meantime dont worry about anything its bad for the baby" Luis said and gently kissed my lips. "How are yo feeling?" Luis asked as I walked out the door. "shitty, but I'll get over it" I said and smiled. "Ill call you"Luis said and kissed me one last time before I walked to my car.



song used as title: solo-The Story So far 

sorry for the late update, school is sucking up my life!!!

my ex messaged me, ha girl bye, I dont need your negative vibes in my life. 

Ill try to update as soon as possible!

massive thank you for the views!!

Nothing left to lose:A luis coronel fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें