Wedding plans

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//Alexa's POV//

Before heading off to the concert I changed into a grey Slash cut off tee with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of red vans. I grabbed my phone and walked out.

"hey guys" I announced as I walked into the bus. "Hey its Alexa! Howve you been?" Robert exclaimed. "Hey Robert, Ive been good, where's Lynn" I asked. "she should be here soon" Max answered. "tell her to find me  Ill be at falling in revere's bus, I gotta talk to Jacky" I said and walked out. 

"Hey guys" I said as i walked into the Falling in reverse bus. "Alexa, where've you been?" Ronnie asked. "Fucking your bitch" I said as I sat down. "burn" Ryan shouted from his bunk. "glad to see youre still a bitch" Ronnie said. "any day Radke" I said and smiled," where's jacky?" I asked. "in the back getting dressed" Ronnie said," i thought you were in London" Ronnie said as he sat next to me. "I'm here for my best friend's wedding" I said. "in two weeks, are you excited?" Ronnie asked. "oh yeah, super excited" I said and rolled my eyes," well Lynn is here Ill see you guys later" I said and got up and placed  my phone back in my pocket. 

"tell jacky to message me" I said as I hugged Ronnie goodbye. "yeah Ill tell him" Ronnie said. 


After the concert Lynn and I sat on the roof top of the bus eating Pizza and listening to 1989. 

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you" Lynn said. "Apology accepted, I still don't want you to marry Max. Not because I don't like him, he's a cool guy but he has too many demons to fight. I don't want you dealing with that, cause I know you have your own demons" I said. "I think I can handle it" Lynn said. "You think?" I asked. "I cant leave him when he needs me the most" Lynn said. "Lynn I understand that, but you're not trained to deal with that. He need professional  help" I said," Listen Lynn I know you want to help everybody, but sometimes you just cant. You need to stop confusing your love with something else. I've known you since we were six, youre still the same Lyndsey I know from Grand Rapids, I just want you to think it over. Please, I dont want you to regret this" I said. "lets change the subject" Lynn said. "fine" I said. "Im still going to be trying on my dress on Friday, are you coming?" Lynn asked. "of course, I'm not gonna miss out on going to Italy" I said and smiled.

:: Flash forward to Friday:: 
//Lynn's POV//

"I gotta call my mom" I said as I looked out the airplane window. "if it was up to me, I wouldnt invite her, she wasnt there when you needed her the most" Alexa said. "I know, but she did give birth to me" I said. "fine" Alexa said. "Are you inviting Jess to the wedding as your plus one?" I asked. "what?" Alexa asked and spit out her water. "C'mon Lex, I know you're trying to get at her" I said and smiled. "I might invite her" Alexa said and smiled. 

Once we arrived in Sicily we stopped at a small restaurant to get something to eat before heading to the bridal store. 

"Buongiorno e benvenuti alla Fattoria delle Torri, che cosa vuoi ordinare," A waitress said after she sat us down at a small table near a window. 

"Ciao, inizieremo con un po' di vino rosso, la ringrazio" Alexa said and the waitress nodded and walked off. 

"Dating Gemma payed off" Alexa said and smiled. 


"All right how about this?" I asked Alexa. "no" Alexa said. "Okay, we have three more" I said. "leave the real one for the last one" Alexa said. 

After trying on various dresses and buying the one that I was gonna wear. "Okay so the mass is going to be at the  sagrada familia in Barcelona," I said as we walked down the street. I was meeting with Max to talk over the menu. 

"sounds great, Ill see you on Friday so we can get ready" I said as I hugged Alexa. "yes" Alexa said and smiled.  




picture of cathedral ^^^

Nothing left to lose:A luis coronel fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora