You swore you'd never hit them, never do anything to hurt them

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We put that incident behind us and continued talking about our lives.

After we dinner we said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways.

I stayed in my car for ten minutes before walking in. I didn't want to run into Max after what he had done.

I slowly opened the door and walked into a pitch black room.

I took off my shoes and turned on the kitchen light.

"I'm sorry Lynn" he whispered. I turned around and saw Max standing in the doorway. He looked like a mess. His hair was tangled and he was shaking. Which meant one thing. He had fallen into old habits. Two months clean wasted on this night.

"I'm sorry Lynn" Max repeated and walked towards to me. "Don't come near me!" I shouted. "I never meant to hurt you" Max said. "But you did" I said. "I don't know what got into me, I was just so mad that you were with Parker" Max stated trying to justify his actions.

"Stop! You said you'd never hurt me again" I shouted and pushed Max away. "I'm sorry! Im in withdrawal and I can't control my anger!" Max shouted. "well learn to control it! Or you're going to end up losing me" I shouted and walked past him.

"Lynn no please don't leave me" Max said and grabbed my wrist," you cant leave" Max said and pulled me closer to him. "Then learn to control your anger, cause next time I won't be staying" I said and walked off to the room.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I asked as I looked at the same. It was four in the morning.

"Lynn you need to come to my house now"

"Ronnie whats wrong?"

"Max is at my house and he's a mess"

"I'll be right over"

I hung up and quickly got up.

I slid on a black hoddie with a pair of black leggings. I slid on pair of red vans and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my phone and car keys and walked out the door and drove to Ronnie Radke's house.

"Where is he?" I asked as I walked in. "In the living room" Ronnie said and led me to his living room.

"Max" I said as I saw him drinking out of the bottle of Jack Daniels. "L-lynn you came back" Max said and stood up. "C'Mon you gotta get up" I said and took the bottle away. "I'm so sorry Lynn I swear I never wanted to hurt you" Max said. "I know, c'mon let's go home. Let's go to sleep" I said and helped me up. "Do you forgive me?" Max asked. "Y-yes" I said as we walked out towards the door.

"Thank you" I said to Ronnie. "No problem, he's like a brother to me. I don't want to see him hurting" Ronnie said. "Its been a long day" I said. "I know, I'll stop by in the morning to see how you're doing" Ronnie said. I hugged him before getting in the car and driving off.

I got Max out of the car and walked him up the stairs.

"Lynn I'm sorry, I promise I'll never hurt you again. I promise" Max said. "We'll talk in the morning" I said. "Please don't leave" Max begged. "We'll talk in the morning" I said and sat next to him.

:::The next morning:::

"Lynn I'm sorry I dont know what got into me. I just don't want to lose you" Max said and sat across from me on the bed. "You won't but you need to control your anger" I said. "I promise I won't hurt you again" Max said and grabbed my hand.

Truth is I loved Max, he had been there for me when I needed him the most. It wasn't his fault he got aggressive, it were the withdrawal symptoms. He was going through a tough time, and he needed me by his side


Song used as title:love the way you lie- Eminem ft. Rhianna
Picture of Ronnie Radke^^^

Nothing left to lose:A luis coronel fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن