We're the Same

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(Still flashback and Luna's POV)

I was rushing through the trees. The old man had told me where Naruto was and to say I was frantic would be an understatement. I was so on edge, I would destroy this whole place if I thought I would get me to that kid sooner.

By the time I got to the kid his sensei had already found him.

The child had mastered the clone jutsu. I was impressed, but that was quickly over shadowed by the dark chakra that appeared.

That damn bastardly man was gonna get it!

(skip to the part when Iruka gets impaled)

I was in shock. He had saved Naruto and then he started to talk about how he understood him and how he was going to protect him. If he was able to understand Naruto, could he care about me too?

Then the trader tried to make another move. I wasn't gonna have that.

In a single moment I shifted into my human-ish form, pulled out a katana and landed in front of Iruka and Naruto.

"That's enough!" My voice was dark and sharp. I could smell fear. I laughed inwardly but kept my face blank.

"Who do you think you are? I have spent the last Twelve years of my life protecting this kid (which was not easy considering my promise not to kill any of those filthy people who hurt him) and you are trying to kill him?!
I hate people like you. You think you know everything. Do you think he asked for this? People like him and me we have gone through more pain in a single year than anyone will see in a lifetime. People like you owe people like him your lives but what does he get but more pain! I hate it, and I. Hate. you!" I was shaking in anger by the end. It felt good to let that out, but it was going to feel even better to beat the living **** out of him. I couldn't kill him but I was gonna get pretty damn close.

(one ass kicking later) Sorry I lazy pluz they skipped it in the show too

I was tying up a bloody and bruised trader. I looked back at Naruto and Iruka. The kid was wearing a leaf headband and the teacher was missing his. That was sweet that must mean he let him pass.

I smiled looking at him and his goofy grin. I walked over to them. They turned to look at me when I got closer. I smiled and crouched down to the kid's height.

"It's nice to finally get to meet you for real Naruto" I placed a hand on his head ruffling his hair.

I saw the questions form in his head and I prepared myself to answer them.

"Who are you?" He seemed almost hopeful. He must have been thinking back to my speech.

"You know me Naruto. I'm Luna." I smiled softly.

"WHAT?" He yelled. I only laughed "That isn't possible! Luna-chan is a cat!" I chuckled again and wiggled my cat ears. And let the bell on my collar jingle a bit. As if noticing them for the first time, he looked at me in awe.

"So you see Naruto, we are the same." I spoke simply.

Please Don't Hate Me (Iruka X Neko) Naruto FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ