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Image is of Luna in her cat form.

Name: Luna

Age: (A little older than Iruka) Exact age unknown

Ninja Rank: Unknown

Hair Color: Silver in both her human and cat form

Eye color: Soft Blue-purple (Turns yellow in her cat form and when she activates her cat senses)

Favorite color: Either a light blue or a dark green

Friends: She doesn't leave her cat form often and doesn't socialize with people.

Backstory: She was taken in by Minato when she was little, after her clan was wiped out. She saw him as her master and admired him greatly. Before he died he asked two things of her. That she watch over the village and Naruto. She agreed and spent the next few years watching over everything in her cat form. She's known as the Shadow of The Leaf but no one had ever seen her. Even Naruto didn't know she was anything other than a normal cat.

Likes: watching the clouds, the color blue, reading, music, dancing, seeing people smile, Naruto, The Hokage, fresh air, cats, quiet, flowers, the moon, and Iruka

Dislikes: Ibiki, When people are mean to Naruto, Being told what to do by people she doesn't trust or have her respect, rants, lectures, fangirls, emo duck-buts, and people who get in the way of the things she wants

Strengths: strong, fast, evaluating a situation, reading people, and knows when someone is lying

Weaknesses: unknown

Family: Her clan was killed. She has no known relatives

Personality: Is tough when needed and can put the fear of Kami into any soul but deep deep down she is a kind person that would do any thing to protect the people she cares about.

Random Fact: She will only call someone by their name if she respects them or if she is vary angry.

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