Save Him!... please.

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(Still flashback and Luna's POV)

I was about to lead the kid away. Before a dark and filthy aura approached us. I turned and glared at the man. A hiss escaped my small frame.

This man was a luring the kid into something bad. He was telling him lies about becoming a ninja.

I tried to stop them but 'I am just a cat'


I dashed quickly still in my cat form. That dumb brat had been tricked and I needed to get to the Hokage before he did something that can't be fixed.

Still in my cat form, I leaped through the window into the Hokage's office. I landed on my paws without a sound and quickly turned to face him. My breathing was all over the place do in no small part to my panic.

"Old man!" I yelled. The Hokage and Mr. scary-mic-killjoy both turned to me. The old man looked a little curies, probably because I never try to talk to anyone unless I have to, and Mr. Bruiting himself looked at me with minor annoyance.

"What is it Luna?" Old man asked calmly. "Naruto...(huff)...Mizuki...(cough)...Tricked...(wheeze)....Steal...(gasp)...Scroll."

The old man and Mr. Interrogation's eyes when wide and the next thing I know, there was yelling.

"What are you talking about you worthless feline! If you are going to speak, speak properly! And who sent you!" Mr. Scars screamed at me. (safe to say Ibiki didn't know who I was At the time, but few people did)

His loud voice hurt my sensitive ears and I hissed at him.

My eyes glowed yellow "Hush you fool!" I glared at him. "You don't get the danger you people are in. If anything happens to that child, I will hold this village responsible!"

Mr. Shadow man stiffened. "Is that a threat cat?" I ignored him and jumped on the old man's desk my paws scattering some of the papers on his desk.

"Find him! That ninja will kill him once he gets his hands on that scroll!" I had already began crying softly but I hid it well. The desperation showed in my voice though.

I was scared. I cared for that child like he was my own. We had seen the same pain. We were the same.

I lowered my head and let the shadows covered my eyes.

"Please, find him. I can't lose anyone else." I whispered almost to soft to hear. I was in pure desperation. That kid was all I had left.

I looked up as tears glided down my fury face and I could see the old man's eyes soften.

I carried weight in the Village. I was the one who watched over it from the shadows. I was stronger than anyone else inside the village. So they had to listen to me, unless they wanted this whole place leveled.

Please Don't Hate Me (Iruka X Neko) Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now