hearts were made to be broken

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"Where is she?" He questioned, setting his jaw angrily.
Joe held up a finger, listening to whatever the person on the other line was saying.

"Thanks, Tim. I owe you." By the time, Joe had hung up, Felicity, Barry, and Oliver were all staring at him expectantly.

"He's at the Northwood Mansion. An officer noticed black vans out front and horde of guards spread all over the property."

Barry ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the roots while Joe continued.
"Other reports saw a man fitting Chekov's description sitting on one of the balconies with a blonde girl next to him."
The four shared glances.

"When are we going?" Everyone looked at Barry, who crossed his arms.

"I'll call my people." Oliver replied, a grim smile spreading across his face.

"Pippin would say you look like the Joker." Felicity mumbled, everyone nodding.

"Her and her Batman references." A tight laugh left Barry.

"She's going to be okay." Joe reassured, placing a hand on Barry's shoulder.

"She will be as soon as we go rescue her." Barry shot back.

"This isn't something we rush into, Barry." Oliver warned with both Joe and Felicity nodding.

"So what? We just stand around here, waiting for that monster to keep hurting Pippin."
Barry snapped, jaw tightening in anger.

Oliver replied calmly, holding Barry's gaze.
"We make a plan."


"Your move."

Pippin glared at Chekov as he lazily stretched himself out on the chair across from her. Three bodyguards blocked the doorway, eyes forward and hands folded in front of them. Another two stood at the corners of the balcony, put there so Pippin wouldn't launch herself from the balcony.
Her legs and arms still had scratches all over them and finger-shaped bruises from the guards holding her down last time she tried to escape.

"Your turn, Alexandria."
Chekov insisted on playing checkers every morning at exactly ten o'clock.

"My name is Pippin." She snapped, slamming her red piece on the board.

"I am tired of this rebellious act of yours. The name your parents gave you is good enough for you to use." He retorted, holding her gaze as he moved his piece.
Pippin opened her mouth to retort but one of the guards nudged her with his gun.

"You have a pistol, good for you." She scoffed at him, the guard narrowing his eyes at her but still stepping back into the place he had been before.

"Your turn." Chekov reminded, tapping his fingers impatiently on the table.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist." She muttered darkly under her breath, the same guard tapping her roughly on the arm. A glare was shot his way before Pippin slammed her piece on the board, making the other pieces rattle.

"Watch that temper." Chekov warned just as a guard entered the balcony, leaning down to whisper something at Chekov.

"The plan is in motion, sir." A smile spread across Chekov's face which Pippin wasn't liking.

"You're very bad at whispering." She called after the guard who snorted before walking back into the house. "Let me guess, another badly-planned scheme that won't go well for you." Pippin knew she was pushing Chekov's buttons by the way the corner of his lip twitched.

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