To which it revealed the cold body of Sebastian still lying in that bloodied butler clothing.

To which it revealed the cold body of Sebastian still lying in that bloodied butler clothing

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"What's wrong, Charles?" I asked.

"It's just... I had this feeling..." He shook his head, "Of course, that's impossible." ...Or is it?

He started walking towards the head of the corpse. He raised one foot and was about to kick its face when I laid a hand on his arm to stopped him.

"Don't." I said.


"It's just... unnecessary." And you wouldn't want to kick a demon on the face.

He sighed, and chucked the sheet back on. He walked out of the room while I lingered behind.

"Thank me later." I said complacently to the motionless demon on the ground.

After having super, which Charles had quite a few servings of, Jeremy explained his plans to us. The plan that he devised consisted of Ciel having to strip and get into Sebastian's clothes, and Ran-Mao wearing his clothes instead and getting into his bed in the master chamber.

All of the people uninvolved and Ciel gathered in Woodley's room as requested by Jeremy, which was the closest to the master chamber. We waited in there for quite a while until the rest and Jeremy came into the room... holding a live snake.

Jeremy explain that the reason the snake targeted Ciel's scent is because it had been trained to do so, and that Phelps happened to be sleeping in the master chamber that night so he was mistakenly targeted by this snake and killed.

However, that turned the attention to who this snake was trained by and how the person got his hand on it. Lau suggested that it was smuggled in, and Ciel agreed, saying that the culprit would have to have connections with Africa. At the mention of that, all eyes turned on the diamond importer, Woodley.

"Y-You're wrong!" He shook his head violently, "It's not me! Kong-Ring is in the trading business too!" He said pointing his finger at Lau.

"Unfortunately for you, we don't have any business in Africa." Lau said with a pitiful smile.

Charles spoke up, "Either way, concluding it's him just because he does business in Africa seems kind of unreasonable?" I was slightly confused as to why Charles was defending him, but I'm sure he has his reason.

"E-Exactly! What about Lord Siemen's murder?" Woodley desperately grabbed onto the string of hope, "I have an alibi for that!"

"There maybe little meaning to the alibi, I'm afraid," Jeremy said. "What if the corpse the servants discovered....wasn't actually a corpse?"

That earned gasps and gulps from the audience. He went on to explain about the poison in pufferfish, called tetrodotoxin, and how it could fake death. Now that I recall, it might be what the Undertaker used to fake Madame Red's death and save her while I was away to find an angel to heal her. Ah, the memories. I wonder how she is doing in China.

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