Baby Daddy Revealed?

Start from the beginning

"No. Please not this. Not now," I pleaded to the baby in my stomach as Elijah and Stefan both looked at me wide eyed. "It's way too early for this."

"Oh god, Elena. That wasn't a-"

"Contraction?" I finished Stefan's sentence and nodded quickly while clutching my baby bump.
"Yes, Stefan. That's exactly what it was."

"Could it be a false alarm?" Elijah asked with concern written all over his face as he gently grabbed my arm in fear that I would fall.

"Let's hope that's all it is," I replied then gritted my teeth as the same contraction made my stomach cramp up. "Call Meredith."

I saw Stefan pull out his phone and press Meredith's speed dial. "Hey, Meredith. You're still at the hospital right? What do you mean you're out on a date with Alaric?! Just meet us at the hospital, Meredith! It's important!"

Stefan hung up lividly then had an epic stare down with Elijah before glancing at me as I winced again. "Was that another one or the same one?"

"Another one," I hissed and leaned on Elijah so I wouldn't double over again. Elijah quickly ushered me out the door annoyingly followed by Stefan, who I had kinda hoped would stay home.

When we arrived at the hospital we met Meredith in the usual room where we always met her. I was surprised to see that she was wearing a short red one shoulder dress that stopped just above her knees along with a pair of dark red pumps. This was the first time I had ever seen Meredith in a dress.

"What the hell is going on?! Whatever it is better be as important as you say it is!" Meredith crossed her arms angrily then laid eyes on me and her own brown eyes widened. "I swear, Elena, your kids are just like Damon. Impatient as hell. Come on."

She led me into a room where I carefully laid down on the bed and Elijah took my hand in his to comfort me. Meredith went to reach for something in a pocket of her dress that didn't exist then realized that she didn't have whatever it was she was looking for. "Damn it! My phone is in my purse and I left it with Alaric. Stefan, do me a favor and time how far apart her contractions are."

Stefan nodded as he took out his iPhone then looked up at me just as I bit my lip to conceal a hiss. "Start timing," I heard Meredith order as she gently pressed her hand into different parts of my stomach I guess to check the muscles or something. I wasn't a doctor so I didn't know.

"Have you been drinking enough blood?" She questioned as she continued to feel my stomach. The warmth of her gentle hands was somewhat soothing on my cramping abdomen.

"I've fetched her a blood bag every time she has those retched stomach pains," Elijah answered for me as my hand was swallowed by both of his. "And she drinks one whenever the urges get to be too much."

Meredith cut her eyes at Elijah before asking the next question on her list of questions she had for me. "And how are those pains?"

"Well, I don't get them as often anymore, but when I do, they get worse with every attack I guess you call it," I replied then cringed slightly as another contraction came. "Son of a-"

"Alright, you can stop timing now, Stefan. How far apart were they?" Meredith interrupted my cursing as I heard a soft chuckle come from Elijah. God I wanted to slap him.

Stefan checked his phone as he calculated the answer in his head,"About...five and a half minutes maybe? Is that good or bad?"

Meredith looked relieved which made me feel instantly relieved. "It's very good. That means there's a chance we can stop her labor. What were you doing right before you went into labor? Whatever it was I believe is what triggered it."

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