Ch. 5: What If You Were Me and What If I Were You?

Start from the beginning

“Why are you blushing Harry?” Louis looks at me like I’ve grown three heads. Nah Louis I have something even weirder, I’m a crazed fan in your band mate’s body and he’s back at my house in my body probably freaking out. I grin sneakily to myself because I have to wonder to myself what’s his reaction to seeing my body instead of his. Anyway I snap out of my thoughts to find both of them looking at me weirdly. “Harry are you sick?” Liam feels my forehead and I smack it off to rush to the other side of the room. I have to stick to the plan and find Harry’s phone. I look around the room frantically.  Where would he leave it?

“Hazza! You’re scaring me, what’s up?!” Louis shouts at me impatiently. Trust me Louis, I wish I could tell you but I bite my lip to refrain from saying that. “Where is my phone?” I ask instead and look at them for an answer.

“Uh, right there on the dresser. That’s where you always leave your phone,” Louis looks at me weirdly while Liam is quiet for some odd reason. I thought Zayn was the brooding type? I grab the phone and pick up a plaid shirt and white V-Neck with a pair of skinny jeans. I pull my feet into the pants zipping them up while putting on the shirt with the plaid shirt over it. I grab the hotel card and iPhone from the dresser.

“Harry talk to us!” I look over at Louis because he looks like a lost puppy. Bless his child like heart. “I just have to go but don’t follow me!” I rush out of the room before they could react and I rush to the elevator, thank God it is people already coming out. I rush to the elevator and throw myself in, thankful that it’s empty. I press the power button and notice there’s a password. Shit Harry! Uh maybe his birthday! I type in ‘2194’ and to see it unlock immediately. Really Harry? You’re dumber than I thought, I hate when people prove me wrong. I dial my number and waited for it to ring until I hear my voice over the line.


Harry POV:

Oh my God, why do I feel so hot!? I groan and pull the covers off me with my eyes still closed. For some reason I feel like I shrunken or something, eh I’m just sleep talking I guess. I pull my arm out to feel around for Louis but my arm hangs off the bed. What the hell? I open my eyes immediately not even taking in my surroundings yet. Where’s Louis and why is this bed so short?

I squint my eyes around the room that I’m pretty sure I didn’t sleep in but I woke up in. I look over to my right and practically have a heart attack. I see the lads and I looking down at me, smiling? What? Where am I!? Did I spend the night with a fan? A messy fan to be exact, given the cluttered floor. I hear the door open near the bed and I look over to see an older dark skinned woman pop her head in.

“You’re awake? Good! Good morning,” she smiles cheerfully. Wait is this the fan mum or did I sleep with her? She’s very attractive but I still have to wonder, what the hell? Last I remember…shoot think Harry. Okay, I was taking care of Louis because there was a thunderstorm and we fell asleep in my bed. Wait how did I get here though? Her smile falters and there she reminds me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it. She rushes over to me putting her hand on my forehead. I look at her questioningly and she smiles, “Okay you’re not sick so what’s really going on?”

What? Why is she treating me like her child and not an amnesic one night stand? I cross my arms over my chest in confusion but to feel big boobs against my brown arms. Wait boobs?! I look down to see a green shirt with blue hearts on it over boobs and a pair of plaid shorts under. I yell throwing my head back but a high pitched scream comes out. The woman puts her hands over her ears, “Why are you screaming girl?” Why do I have boobs and not to be racist but black too? Okay Harry this is just a really bad dream for you to wake up as a girl. No wait this is cool, I smile cheekily to myself…no Harry! Get back to the task at hand.

I shut my eyes tightly and I calm down, so I smile and open my eyes to find the same woman looking at me again. My smile falters, no! I groan and grab my hair frustratingly, okay that didn’t work. I start to slap myself over and over for me to wake up until the woman grabs my hands tightly to stop me. “What the hell is wrong with you girl?!” she looks down at me waiting for me to break down. I look around the room once again, “Who are you?” I cringe at the voice because it’s not my deep British voice but-, wait a minute. The voice sounds too familiar like I heard it recently so I look back at the woman for answers but she’s looking at me with a weird smile.

“Okay I’ll play along, I’m your mom?” she smiles, thinking I’m pulling her leg. She’s my mum?! My mum is Anne not this woman. What is going on?! “Also Bridgett as others would call me. Why are you acting like this?” she continues seriously. I pull the sheets off of me more, “Okay who am I?” her smile altogether falls into a tight line. “Tamia, are you okay?”

Tamia? Who’s Tami-, no wait that’s American bitch! Oh God, have mercy on me, tell me it’s not true!? I run out of the room to find the door to the hallway bathroom open, so I run inside with these stupid things on my chest bouncing since she doesn’t sleep with a bra. I can see why girls hate boobs but I will only say that if I have boobs…man I have fucking boobs. I flick the lights on, closing the door and locking it while I hear Bridgett (was that what she said?) calling out for Tamia. Maybe it’s another Tamia! Okay that’s not a really common name Harry, but it won’t hurt to be hopeful!

I creep slowly into the mirror with my eyes clenched shut. I stop until I feel that I’m in the center of the mirror and I open my eyes slowly to see me with brown neck length hair splayed out in different directions. Heh. Directions ha-ha. “Harry shut your dumb arse up and get back to this situation!” I hear the voice shout in my head so I get back to the mirror to see Tamia starring back at me with brown caramel skin. Deep brown eyes with long eyelashes and arched eyebrows with the left one cocked. What is that on her nose, a mole? I’ll have to admit it’s kind of cute because you never expect that. I don’t remember seeing that yesterday. I touch the hair because I always wanted to touch a black girl’s hair but was too afraid for her reaction.

I touch it to find it slightly greasy but bearable. It haves a nice amount of body with softness when I put her fingers through it. To be honest I thought I was going to be a bit more freaked out than this but think about it, I have a normal life again! “Harry you have to be a girl though, it’s that what you really want?” the voice asking me in my head again. Yeah but this means that I won’t have to date Taylor! I grab my chest in joy but noticed what I was doing, wait I shouldn’t do this but I can’t let go. They’re soft and just so cushy plus not heavy at all like I thought they would be. Wait Harry this is just wrong! I willed myself to stop and rush out of the bathroom before I would play patty cake with them. Yes I’m a weird boy, sue me.

Wait if I’m in her body that must mean-, oh man I would kill to see her reaction to that. I hope Louis sat on her too when she woke up! I laugh evilly to myself but stop when I see Bridgett looking at me weirdly. “Yes Bri-, I mean mom,” I cough awkwardly when I notice her frown deepened into a scowl.

“Are you okay?” she crosses her arms over her chest; I can see where Tamia got her boobs from. I open my mouth to answer her but I hear Ed Sheeran’s voice blaring into the room. “Well, aren’t you going to answer your phone?” she asks me after we both stand there for a short time.

“Uh yeah,” I walk over to the desk to see a cellphone and pick it up without looking at the caller ID. “Uh hello?” my voice is high pitched and sounds weird, I guess because of her accent, her mom haves the same accent. I hear rapid breathing after they don’t say anything so I ask, “Who is this?”

“Harry?” I hear my voice on the other line, my eyes are like a deer caught in headlights. 

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