Chapter 5: Transform In

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The Sun never came back out again, it was nightfall and it was time for me to fear. I went to my cave, exhausted from traveling all the way back to my land and let myself fall into the water inside to clean off and hopefully wake myself up, but once I was down I passed out drained. A noise later startled me awake and I sat up.

Pyro was standing at the other end of the cave's entrance, going towards his territory.

LIGHTS OUT, He yelled in his head.

I ran out of the other cave entrance and Pyro did too, but a little ways down the river I heard a thud. I turned around to see Pyro knocked to the ground by some unknown animal that jumped him on the bank of the river. It was smaller than Pyro or me so I went back to help protect it. It was growling and snapping, the same as Pyro, but the animal gave me enough time to make my own snap and go for Pyro's neck. I didn't dare let go as the animal continued to attack Pyro. I clamped down onto Pyro's wind pipe until he stopped moving. Pyro laid dead and I backed up to not examine him, but the other creature before me.

I know who you are now, I thought to the creature with a smile in my thoughts.

A mutt stood before me and I realized I had part of the assumption right yesterday. It did have a wolf-like appearance. The dog had swum all the way in its fish form to save me.

Yes, you see the real me now, The dog thought back. I am a guardian. That's why you saw me transform into different animals. I am an older guardian and can master it, but I haven't mastered the control. Only at night do I get a break and transform back into my real form, because I am like you and deal with the Sun. That was why when I saw you I cried for your help. I need you.

I gently prodded the mutt to my cave where we slept heavily for that night. He was my guardian as he kept my heart alive and I would always listen to it as a reminder of him. He helped protect by ending the madness. He had more control as guardian then he thought as he let his good side show. Muddy wolf or not, he was clean as he could get as innocent and I would always help him.

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