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Chapter Seven~ "Boop"

July 15th, 2013- Monday


"This is so exciting!" Jenna squealed.

I shot a glare at her. "Shush! We don't want him to hear us!" I snapped.

She blushed, and quietly slipped into Jackson's room behind me. We had school in less than twenty minutes, so we had to get this done and fast. I set down my paint can on the dresser at the foot of Jackson's bed. Inspecting his face, I could that he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. He was jet-lagged from his trip to Spain. Jenna literally had to put her hand over her mouth to keep from squealing again.

You know, maybe I should've gotten Scarlet, Vic, or even Meg to do this.

Of course, I wasn't really thinking about it last night when I was thinking this whole thing through. The boys had pranked us on Thursday. We had played it off like we hadn't cared all weekend.

I think we played it off enough that the boys think we aren't going to do anything.

But, come on! They scared Scarlet enough that she peed a little bit!

Forget I told you that. My bad.

"He's sooo cute," Jenna murmured, fluttering her eyelashes at a sleeping Jackson. I had forgotten that she was a fan of the bad boy like every other girl in our high-school. He had made an impression on the girls- especially the ones he's flirted shamelessly with.

I hit her upside the head, "Do you need to have a second to yourself? You look like you're about to faint from looking at him."

She stuck her tongue out at me in response. Yeah, my friends are so mature.

"You have to admit he's cute!" she whisper-yelled. She gestures to the sleeping boy with both hands.

Turning my gaze to the sleeping 20-year-old, I pause. Sure, it was kind of cute how he looked completely relaxed. His hair was crazy, thrown all over the place. His usual scary, tough posture was loose and his hard expression was gone. So, alright, he was kind of adorable. However, I would never admit that he's cute or hot or anything like that. But, when he's asleep and not being sarcastic and idiotic, then yeah he's kind of adorable.

But, when I looked over and saw Jenna's expression, I knew I couldn't tell her. Telling Jenna is like telling the entire school. I'm practically known for hating Jackson.

Seriously, the only other people that hate Jackson are every guy in the world and his sister. Well, not every guy in the world because he does have a lot of friends. Most guys, however, want Jackson to drop dead. I couldn't agree more.

"No, he's not, and he never will be... cute." I wrinkle up my nose in disgust.

She suddenly touches the tip of my nose, "Boop."

"Why did you just do that?"

"Do what?"

"You touched my nose and said "boop"."

"Sure I did, Dani, sure," she shook her head.

I stared at her weirdly. "Okay, then..." I trailed off.

She glances around, "I've never been in Jackson's room before..." she murmured.

"Weird because I'm sure he brings every girl he meets into his bedroom," I mutter. I was walking around, picking stuff up and looking for any loose cash. What?! This is the perfect opportunity to get some pay back from Jackson.

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