This is going to be fun.

John POV

I am 100% percent lost. I think I took a wrong turn or maybe I'm in the right hallway but I just can't find the room. I turned right for the hundredth time and then I saw something I didn't see before the number 220,221,222, written on the top of the huge door. How on earth did I miss that?I have no idea. I entered and looked down at my room number key and read 221B, so I must be close.

But what I didn't see was this tall boy bump to me. He was running like if he was running away from someone, so he crashed on top of me thank god he was skinny, too skinny. He was tall for his age, dark black- brownish curly hair, with beautiful sea blue eyes, he also had blood on his lips. Why?. My question was answered seconds from the crash when two boys showed up, one was black haired with brown eyes and the boy behind him was blonde with blue eyes. The tall boy quickly got off of me and ran out the door. The dark haired boy ran after him but blonde boy help me up.

"Sorry about that mate", he said out of breath. "That's alright", I could feel a bruise on my rib cage.

"The name is Sebastian Moran", he gave me a warm friendly smile.

"I'm John Watson, I'm new"

"Yeah I could tell, your lost right?"

"Yeah", I said shyly

"What's your room number?"


"Oh... mate I wish you luck. Did you see the boy we were chasing? Yeah well that's your roommate", he said proudly that he was chasing him.

"Oh really.... so why are you chasing him?", what could've he done to be beaten up.

"He was being himself as always", he sounded annoyed.

"And you don't like that?"

"I could really give a rats ass about him, but my friend Jim, well let's just say he's got a bad temper", he was a nice kid what could he be doing with a kid like that , I wondered.

"So it was nice talking to you, but I'm afraid Jim might kill Sherlock, see you in lunch alright", he said while running down the hall.

"Ok bye Sebastian" I waved him a goodbye.

I didn't know this Sherlock kid to much, but he sounded like trouble, but I still had to be nice to him, being the headmasters little brother. Although I hope he doesn't die, I would like to meet him first.

I enter my room, it was nice,warm, and big. There were two beds at least 4 feet away from each other, they had nice silk cover in them. The drawers were painted black, the walls were dark forest green. I was really impressed with the restroom, the shower was so big two people could bath in it together. The walls were painted gray, the sink was granite, but there was a stain in it almost looking like dried blood. Besides the stain in the sink it looked really fancy. I started to unpack my clothes and put them in the drawers. As I was unpacking, I was thinking of that poor kid. Maybe I should of helped him? I should of stopped those two boys. God, I feel so guilty now, I hope he's alright. But all my thoughts were taken away when he entered the room. The was bleeding from his nose and had a small cut above his right eyebrow.

"Are you alright?"

"Piss off", he waved him hand up in the air very annoyed by my presence.

Sherlock POV

I grabbed the small blade that I always hid in the very back of the cabinet where my drugs are. I knew that I was going to regret this later, but right now it seems like the only choice for me. I dragged the small blade across my left arm and wrist and after a while all I could see was the blood coming out. I've been in here for more than twenty minutes, England's next serial killer must be wondering what I'm doing. I rinsed my arm in the sink and let my sleeve down and did the buttons. I unlocked the door to see him sitting right next to the door against the wall he, was waiting for me?

"Sorry about that earlier"

Wait. Why am I apologizing to him.

"Now that's alright, it was my fault this happened to you", he looked guilty

"How is this your fault?", I gestured to my injured face.

"Because when you crashed into me and ran away I somehow befriended the blonde kid, instead of helping you"

"Oh... Sebastian, you mean?", he was really violent, that kid did this to me, he's done everything to me. But of course I'm not going to tell him this.

He nodded

"So are you going to do the same he did to me?, since you three are now best friends", I laughed

"No, of course not, unless you give me a reason to "

I smirked.

I knew this boy wouldn't hurt me or that girl. He was innocent. The question was who did it?

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