The Girl Next Door||Part 2

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"Dear Jessie," it read. "Your fort looked so broken-down, I thought I'd fix it up for you. Hope you like it. I think it's neat how we live next to each other.
-Yours truly, Nick."

I thought it was so cool that I immediately wrote a thank you and dropped it in his mailbox.

The next day, there was another letter from Nick in the mailbox.

It was really long and full of weird. He said he wanted to be best friends with me forever and couldn't wait until I turned 18 so I could move in with him and we could be together. He also said that my mom was nuts and was trying to keep us apart.

The strangest part was when he told me that he would never harm me and he wouldn't let anyone else hurt me either.

I had no idea what he meant by that.

It took me a while to get through the whole letter. I finished reading it just as my mom was coming home from work.

She made me show the letter to her and when she read it, she said it made her skin crawl.


She immediately called the police and when the officers came out to our house and read the letter, they told us Nick had recently been released from prison.

The next day he was arrested and they sent him back to jail. My mom told me he was sentenced to 2 years.

Not long after that, my mom started getting letters from Nick. They were all angry and filled with curse words.

He kept asking why she had lied about to him to the police and said he knew I was in love with him.

When my mom showed the letter to the police, they gave him another year in jail. (DJ Khaled Meme: Congratulations! You just played yourself!)

After that, we stopped getting letters from him.

As time went by, I gradually forgot all about Nick and went on with my life.

Then one day, I came home from school and when I walked up the driveway, I saw him standing in his front yard, staring straight at me.

My heart was beating so fast and I was shaking like a leaf.
Obviously, we have a ... RAPIST on our hands.

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