||New Message||Part 1||

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When I was 16, I got my first phone. It was a normal flip phone, one that blinked red when I had a new text message. The first time I got one of those messages, I didn't think much of it.
Him: I love you
Me: I think you have the wrong number, sorry. LOL
Him: No, I love you.
Me: Really? Well...who are you?
Him: Your true love
*End of convo*
I showed the message to my friend Kirsten. She just laughed and shrugged her shoulders. I didn't reply to the mysterious man's text message and promptly forgot all about it. I figured the poor guy had probably been trying to date some girl and she gave him a wrong number to get rid of him.

When I was 17, I got a new blackberry phone, which still had the red blinking light for new messages. I also got my first boyfriend. His name was Todd.

One day, in the middle of class, I noticed the red blinking light inside my purse. Making sure the teacher wasn't looking, I pulled out my blackberry, held it under my desk, and read the message.
Him: Where have you been?
Me: Who is this?
Him: I missed you, baby. You miss me too?
Me: Sorry, wrong number.
Him: Don't play with me, Sweet Thing!
Me: Seriously, you have the wrong number. I have a boyfriend. Bye.
*End of convo*
There was no response. Two days later, I received another message:
*Text Message (1)*
Him: Jenna?
*End of Text Message (1)*
He knew my name. I don't know how, but he knew my name. I showed the message to my boyfriend. Todd took the phone out of my hand and replied with an angry message:
*Text Message (1)*
Todd: Listen, dude. This is my girlfriend's phone. She doesn't know you and she doesn't want to know you. You have the wrong number. If you don't lay off, we'll go to the cops. Stop texting her.
*End of Text Message (1)*
At the time, it seemed to do the trick. The mystery man never replied and I thought that was the end of it.

When I was 18 years old, I got a new iPhone that went bing whenever I receive a new message.

I also broke up with my boyfriend. The very next day after Todd and I split up, the messages started again.
*Text Message (1)*
Him: I've missed you.
*End of Text Message (1)*
I stared at my phone in disbelief. It couldn't be the same person...could it? Maybe it was just Todd, trying to freak me out.
*Text Message (1)*
Me: Who is this?
So as you can see I put "Part 1" in the title because I didn't want to make a remake of No End House. Because it was a horrible mess. So I've decided to make it into separate chapters instead. It just seems better to me.
And I've also decided to use a different type of font for the ending's Author's Note because the underline italics feels underused. For me. I barely use it.
I'll try a different font next time because I don't really like it. Now I'm starting to remember why I didn't use this font in the first place.
Until next font. I'm going to stop. I'm clearly not funny, at times. Oh well, whatever. I think I'm funny so I'm funny right now.

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