Chapter 6 - Plan B

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Finn's POV (Never seen that coming did ya XD)

Everyone was back in Roman & Dean's shared locker room Brie had an ice back on her her while Dean was pacing around the room

"Ambrose don't you think you can calm down with all the pacing its making me dizzy,"Bayley told him putting her head into her hands

"I want to know who the hell would have told them we were going to be in that part of the Damn arena!" Dean Yelled

"Dude like I said before no one in this room would sell each other out." I stated

"Someone must have heard & told the bastard then."

"Café Du Monde." Nikki mumbled

"What was that Nicole?" I asked

"Cafe Du Monde," she said what about Dolph & Randy question them & see if they told Bray."

"Why do you automatically think one of them did it?" Bayley asked with curiosity

"They were the only ones there when we were discussing were we were going to meet. Brie stated

"And Roman did make Dolph kind of pissed when he was attempting to flirt." Nikki added

"Alright its settled we are killing Dolph." Dean said walking towards the exit

"Wait don't Dean, we can deal with him later we just need to figure out how we can take down the Wyatt's first," I said blocking his way to the door

"Finn you're right." Roman agreed

"And I have just the plan to make sure we kill two birds with one stone." I say with a sly smirk

"Plan B?" Bayley suggested

"Plan B." We agreed altogether


Bray sat in his chamber with his family by his side

"I Want Finn & Bayley eliminated from this war they don't need to get further involved."

"How should we eliminate them Bray?" Luke asked with a smirk

"We can take them out maybe during RAW or on their down time." Bray suggested

"Its going to be hard trying to get them away from those Bella's, Ambrose & Reigns."

"Son I don't care how you do it but like I said I want Bayley & Finn taken out or better yet on our side."

"I like the sound of that having them would definitely give us leverage over Ambrose & Reigns." Braun stated

"What about the Bella's?" Luke asked

"I don't want a hair on their head touched I'll deal with them especially Brianna." Bray said smiling

"You have seemed to talk a liking towards here haven't you?" Braun asked

"Yes she could be very valuable asset to us."

"Dean has seemed to take a liking to her as well." Luke said

"Well isn't that nice," Bray said rocking back in forth in his rocking chair

But what the Wyatt's didn't know is that they a listening ear upon them a close or use to be close friend or as they would say Family member.

"They are going to pay." Erick Rowan said running off to find Roman & Dean's Locker room


Hola my fellow Rosebuds🌚 I'm happy to see that people are enjoying the book & this update might be a little short but its another update to a reader I promisedalso HAPPY MARDI GRAS I know some people don't celebrate it but I love it anyway hope you guys enjoy this picture of Daniel Bryan with The 2 Championship #ThankYouDanielBryan😢💕

Hola my fellow Rosebuds🌚 I'm happy to see that people are enjoying the book & this update might be a little short but its another update to a reader I promised❤ also HAPPY MARDI GRAS I know some people don't celebrate it but I love it anyway hope...

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