Chapter 5- Really Ambrose!

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Brie POV

It was Time for Monday night Raw I was walking around the Arena checking my phone for Dean's Text when to meet I was pretty nervous about the situation.

"Hey Briezy." Sasha said with a smile

"Hey Ms. Banks," I said smiling right back at her

"I wanted to check on you to make sure you are alright from last week."

"Yeah its just the Wyatt's whats the worst they can do & we could take The Wyatt's ." I said shrugging my shoulders

"The Worst Brie he choked your sister up he can do the same to you as well!" Sasha Semi Shouted

"Gee thanks for the words of encouragement Sasha," I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, but I'm just worried about You & Nikki we can't have anything bad happen to you guys."

I Smiled Slightly "Don't worry Sasha we will be careful thanks for worrying about us."

"If you guys ever need anything I'm always here don't worry & so are the rest of the Diva's."

"Thanks for the moral support Banks I'll see you later girly."

"Bye Briezy," Sasha walking away towards the Make-up Table

I continued to walk around until I finally seen Dean & Roman talking outside their shared locker room

"Reigns, Ambrose." I shouted

Dean waved me over to them.

"Hey Brie where's your Twin?" Dean asked looking behind me

"I'll call her & see where she is."

The phone rang & started to get closer & closer to us

"You guys looking for me," Nikki said with a sly smirk

"Alright everyone is here then,"Roman said clapping his hands together

"Wait not everyone," Dean said scrathing the back of his neck

"What do you mean not everyone who else is in on this plan?" Roman asked a bit on edge

"I decided to grab some help from NXT like I said earlier when they first started this crap."

Roman groaned. "Really Ambrose! I thought we weren't going to get anyone else involved Dean!" Roman Yelled

"Hey! Did you want to end this or what the only way we are going to do this is with these Rookies from NXT."

"Did Someone say NXT," A Familiar Irish Accent said

"Finn, My boy great to see you here.'' Dean Said giving Finn a side hug

I felt someone Hug me from behind having a really tight grip around me.

"Hi, I'm Bayley & I like hugs," The voice said from behind me

"Hi Bayley, Sweetheart I can't breathe."

She gasped & finally let go.She looked at me & smiled sweetly.

"Hey Deano," Bayley said going in for a hug

"Bayley we have been over this." Dean said putting his hand up to keep her from hugging him.

"Right you said no hugs until The Wyatt's are done for." She said Smiling

"That's my girl."

"Alright now we move out to our final destination in the Arena right?" Nikki asked

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