Dead End

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Connie sat at her desk as she had done every other morning for the last two months. Things had settled down again but she couldn't get Amy off her mind. She reminded her a lot of Grace, and if it was her daughter in this position she wouldn't rest until she was safe.

There was a knock at her door causing her to look up. "Come in!"  Cal pushed the door open before closing it and sitting down opposite her. "Anything?"  He shook his head sighing and leaning back.

"Ethan can't even get hold of Lucy anymore, they've completely disappeared again... Just like before-" "She'll be alright Cal, she's a strong girl. I have a feeling if she needs us she'll find a way of getting to us." 

Connie hadn't told Cal or anyone else that Amy had her number. She thought it was best that way. "Any news on the hospital front?"  Connie sat back. "Yes and no... She's never been admitted anywhere else for the injuries to her arm or wrist-" "But."

"But she was in a hospital after an accident at school, it's close to London but the address on her records is still in Holby... It doesn't make sense but that's all there is."  Cal nodded thankful that Connie was helping.

"Not that I don't appreciate it but why are you doing all this?"  She sat up leaning on the desk. "Because despite what you might think, and ignoring the fact that you were a complete dick to me... I still care about you. And I'm not about to let a 9 year old girl suffer who I made a promise to to protect her."

Tears came to Connie's eyes and before she could do anything they rolled down her cheeks. Cal moved from where he was and hugged her. He'd expected her to push him away but she accepted it and let her arms go around his shoulders. "Thank you, for doing all of this."

Connie pulled away and forced a smile. "It's fine, we'll get her Cal and she'll be safe."  He nodded before leaving the office and heading back to work.

Her eyes fell to a picture of Grace. She picked her phone up and called her phone praying she'd answer. Connie was in a daze when her voice came across the speaker. "Mum?"

She didn't know what to say. Her own daughter and she had no idea how to even talk to her. "Mum is everything alright? Are you crying-" "I'm fine baby, how are you?" 

"I miss you Mum it's not the same being with Dad anymore." "Why didn't you call me? Talk to me about it-" "I - I told Dad and he said he'd call you... He said you didn't want me to come home, that you were too busy for me."

Tears brimmed in her eyes again as she listened to the hurt in her daughters voice. "Is that true Mum?" "I would never say that about you Grace, you're my world and I know that's how things were before but I'd make time for you because my life without you isn't one I want."

Jacob had noticed Connie crying as the door was left open slightly. He pushed it open stepping inside and closing it gently. She began to cry even more as she spoke to Grace. "I love you so much, I could never say that-" "I want to come home Mum, please?"

Connie looked towards Jacob who was confused and worried about her. He pulled her up out of her seat before sitting down and sitting her across his lap hugging her. "I'll talk to your Dad and I'll come out soon, don't bother him though. Leave it to me okay? I love you baby-" "Okay Mum, I love you too and tell Jacob I said hello, I know he's there." Connie laughed slightly before saying goodbye to her daughter.

"Everything alright-" "Grace is coming home." A smile spread across his face but Connie was worried to look up at him as she didn't know what he'd think about having her around too.  He placed a hand under her chin raising her eyes to meet his. "I'm so happy for you baby it's the best news you could ever have..."

"What about us?"  Jacob frowned at her. "What do you mean-" "What with work and having Grace home not to mention everything I'm doing for Cal and Ethan. You must hate me as it is."

Jacob kissed her gently before looking at her. "I wouldn't be here now if I hated you sweet cheeks... Your daughter has to come first because she's your daughter, as for helping Cal it's in your nature to help even if you don't think it is."  She smiled a brief smile but he saw it. "We, will be fine. Anything you need, I'll always be here-" "Move in with me."

Jacob's eyes lit up as he looked at her. This beautiful woman sitting before him and she wanted him. "You really want that-" "There's nothing I want more... Other than having Grace home again."  He kissed her again, carefully deepening the kiss her hands moving around his neck as she twisted to face him properly.

"I love you, I'd be stupid to not live with you... You sure Grace won't mind?"  "She'll live with it. She needs to understand that I have had a small life since she went to America. I think it'll be good having you there for her, I know she loves you anyway."  He smiled kissing Connie again before lifting her up.

"We're going home, now, at a human time so you can rest.  There's always tomorrow to carry on with all this, alright?  For now I'm taking care of you and you're going to let me."  She nodded as he put her down and held her hand. She said quick goodbyes while Jacob grabbed his things and left with her for the night. Maybe things would be alright.

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