Chapter 19: Courtship

Start from the beginning

     Dawood wiped his face with Iman's napkin and sighed, "You'd be surprised how many times I've been spit on." "But you're alright, correct?" Iman asked in concern. "Yes, ma'am," Dawood nodded with a smile. "My baba is tough," Khadijah chimed in. I can see that," Iman smiled. "What an eventful first date, and it hasn't even really started!" Ruby exclaimed and patted Dawood on his back. "We should head inside," Ahmed suggested once he realized that a small crowd had gathered to see the man being hauled off in the police car. "I think that's a good idea," Rana chimed in and led the way. Dawood noticed that Khadijah was looking up at Iman in awe, every few minutes. He had to admit, Iman was more than what she let on. He had never even considered that the young woman would know martial arts, but she did. He wondered what other surprises lay behind her cool green eyes. He had never really noticed Iman in any other light other than a sister in Islam, but now he gulped as he realized just how beautiful she was. Her eyes were unique, a blend of green and a hint of yellow, Dawood thought and quickly averted his gaze once Iman glanced at him. Her face seemed to be sculpted from alabaster, with a hint of a tan that was barely noticeable and blended nicely into her complexion. Her cheekbones were high and gave her a very refine and aristocratic air about her. He wondered why it had taken him so long to admire how beautiful she was, but had to admit that he wasn't the best at noticing the obvious.

     When they were served their meals and they continued their light chatter, Dawood took every opportunity he was given to study Iman. She let them know that she lived alone and was estranged from her family. She worked at a charity in her spare time, but usually spent most of her time at the mosque after work. As they exchanged information about each other, Dawood noticed that Iman continuously pulled her sleeves down over her wrists. He noticed a thin white line at Iman's wrist and looked up at her. She quickly pulled her sleeve over her wrist before looking around to see if anyone noticed. Her eyes connected with Dawood's and he watched the usually calm and collected woman, visibly gulp and deflect her gaze. Dawood cocked his head to the side and watched Iman shift uncomfortably as she tried making conversation with Rana. What was this woman hiding? He knew that SHE knew that he was still watching which was why he cleared his throat and said, "I think we should call it a night? You have school tomorrow, Shehzadi." Dawood avoided Iman's gaze, but could see her sigh in relief out of the corner of his eye. He didn't want to put her in a compromising situation and knew that she would talk about whatever was on her mind when the time was right. Everyone had secrets. He had no right interfering in anyone's business. "Aww," Khadijah pouted, "can't we stay five more minutes?" "If you don't get to bed on time, little one," Iman spoke softly and pulled her sleeves lower, "how will I spend time with you tomorrow at daycare?" "Oh, yeah," Khadijah nodded. "I have to go to school to go to daycare. That's important." Iman smiled and nodded, "Yes it is, little one. I enjoy our time together." "So do I, Ms. Abdullah. Baba, did the date go well?" Khadijah asked abruptly as she looked at Dawood.

     Dawood smirked slightly at Khadijah's impromptu question and sighed, "I don't know. We'd have to ask Ms. Abdullah. What do you think, Iman?" Iman looked up at Dawood in surprise, letting Dawood know that she still wasn't used to being called by her name by the young father. Dawood smiled and expectantly looked at her. He chuckled as Khadijah said, "I think it was a great date." "I agree," Rana chimed in. "I'd like to also add that I found you two to be pleasantly compatible," Ahmed nodded. "It was an awesome first date. You guys broke the ice," Ruby nodded and looked at Iman. "Plus, Khadijah had a blast with you." "Muslims talking about blasts. Sure, that doesn't make anyone nervous," Ahmed muttered as he looked around. "Ugh, stop being all paranoid. No one is watching us. It's when Muslims look nervous that people tend to GET nervous," Ruby sighed and handed her purse to Ahmed.

     One by one, all of them headed towards their cars. Dawood glanced at Iman and said, "We'll walk you to your car." "You don't have to," Iman said quickly. She smiled as Khadijah said, "It's okay, Ms. Abdullah. I'll be your chaperones." "Chaperone," Dawood corrected and shrugged. "Can't argue with that." Iman smiled and quietly walked in tandem with Dawood as she held Khadijah's small hand. Khadijah glanced at her father and held up a thumbs-up, making him smile. "I'll be honest, Iman. I'm horrible at this entire dating situation," Dawood said quickly once Iman approached the driver's side of her car. Iman let out a breath and crossed her arms across her chest while she said, "I thought I was the only awkward one. I've never done this." "I've done this once before. Failed spectacularly. Don't let the cute daughter fool you. I don't expect you to open up and tell me your whole life story over a couple cups of coffee," Dawood nodded. "That'd be weird, but, I would like to get to know you better. You're a great person. You're a great Muslim. You're someone my daughter respects." "Yeah and you also kick butt. Remember?" Khadijah sighed. "You're so cool, Ms. Abdullah. Baba's cool too. If you guys get married-." "One step at a time, Shehzadi," Dawood said and picked Khadijah up before smiling at Iman.

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