Kyoka: Jackal is out on a mission in-

Y/N: that mission has failed.

Silver: ahhh, miss Y/N has come back. 

Kyoka: what do u mean that mission has failed?

Y/N: Jackal has been eliminated by Fairy Tail. Can't say im surprised though. Whathappened to the other Council members?

Kyoka: most have been eliminated already.We only have but one seal left on Face. And that is Jellal.

Y/N: he is extremely difficult to beat. He is a past wizard saint after all. 

i wish i didnt have to talk like this. I sound so evil....

Y/N: though we wont have any problems dealing with him.

Kyoka: she's right. He is nothing but another small step closer to Zeref.

i have got to find a way to stop them as soon as i can. If Jellal dies, then Erza's gonna go mad....*JERZA!!*. I have to think this through carefully. These are demons created by Zeref himself. If im not careful, i could lose everything.

Y/N: well im tired. Im going to bed. 

Kyoka: is something wrong? u never retire at 5 pm. its usually at around 1 in the morning..

Y/N: well im just tired today and i dont know why.

Kyoka: Get Lamy to check u out.

Y/N: Id rather not.....She annoys me enough, i dont need her poking around my body.*shiver*

Silver: She's right. I wouldnt get Lamy to do that. Id just ask her. And specify no poking around.

Y/N: yeah. Whatever.

I head down to the basement where Lamy because i acually was pretty tired and im never tired. I see her tampering with someone in a jar. I take a closer look and i recognize the face.

Lamy: Im gona turn that little cute face into the ugliest little thing ever heheheheheh.

Y/N: when did she get here?

Lamy: we captured her and a red haired one. hehehehehehehehe

Y/N: And what are u doing exactly?

Lamy: im placing demon particules into her body.heheheheheheheheh

Y/N: please stop with the weird chuckle thing. If u want hot guys then u should stop laughing like that.

Lamy: fine.

Y/N: are u busy right now?

Lamy: not really. Why do u ask?

Y/N: I'm not feeling right and this is the first time.

Lamy: thats compeltely normal!hehehehehe.

Y/N: i said stop! and what do u mean by that?

Lamy: theres a special link that binds u to the demons here. One goes down, so does ur force.heheheheheheheh

Y/N: u mean like a body link? and when one demon gate goes down, my life force gets smaller?

Lamy: exactly. heheheheheheheh.

I turn around and leave. She's gonna turn into a pancake after Mira wakes up from that...she already has demon particules and thats just gonna revive her. And how the hell did they capture Erza!?!?!?!Probably drugged or something.

*Rogue's POV*

We've searched for so long and no one knows where Y/N is. Sting and Yukino have comforted me alot but some of their ''words of wisdom'' aren't helping. When i heard about Tartaros's movement against the Magic council, it raised a bit of hope but it was almost nothing. 

Sting suddenly gets a lacrima call from Fairy tail's guild master and he answers it. I run towards him and stand infron tof the lacrima. Its a multiple call so theres more then one line fo contact. I see Natsu's team in a town and i see Master Makarov. Natsu takes the first word.

Natsu: u wont believe what happened. I defeated a demon and made one leave us alone!!!!!

Makarov: what were their names?

Natsu: jackal and the other slips my mind.

Lucy: and thats why i contacted Sabertooth too. The other was Y/N.

Sting: did u just say Y/N? A demon of Tartaros? Are u sure it was our Y/N?

Lucy: yes to all those questions!!!!

Rogue: they found my Y/N!!!!!

Lucy: Just saw. We dont know where their HQ is though.

Rogue: :'-(

Stng pats me on the back to comfort me but its not enough. I need my Y/N here. and i need her now to be back home safely. Its really lonely.

Sting: we'll get her back soon. Don't worry.

Rogue: they better.

Master: Natsu, Lucy, wendy, make ur way back to the guild as soon as possible. It looks like a wreck there.

Lucy: haii.

And the call ends with Natsu's group. Makarov asks Sting to leave so he can chat with me alone and he obeys.

Rogue: whats up master?

Master: was Y/N acting weird after leaving our guild hall before she went missing?

Rogue: yeah actually...her eyes changed color and she looked pretty pissed off.

Master: Well she didnt leave my office pissed though.

Rogue: what happened. Why was she in ur office in the first place?

Master: she said it was classified but ill tell u anyways. she wanted information on the 10 wizard saints.

Rogue: why did she want that?

Master: thats what i asked her. Then i told her if she was going to betray Fiore that she would have hell to pay.

Rogue: and thats why she was pissed. Saying that pissed her off.  She wouldnt do that.

Master: whoops.

Rogue: i gotta go.

I hang up on him and leave the guild hall. I sniff around even for the slightest smell of her and i find one tiny piece that smells like her. I follow the trace for about 2 hours by running but i stop dead in my tracks when i see a crater.

Rogue: where the fuck am I anyways....

I look around and all i see is nothing. Nothing at all. Its as if she went into the ground or flew off somewhere but she has neither of those abilities. 

I smell the ground and her scent is a bit stronger there. 

Rogue: she dug underground but how far...

I return to Sabertooth with nothing but a little hope of seeing her again. I have but one thought that sticks in my mind.....Why would u do this....


Im sorry it wasnt very good. I have to many ideas so im so sorry its not very good. Well i'll keep working on the next chapter now.

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