~Chapter Seven, One: A Day of Zipped Lips, Pasts, and Wits; Day Three~

Start from the beginning

So this was what she meant by having a good life before she was orphaned...

She must have noticed that I stopped eating because she looked worried. "I must have made you uncomfortable with my story, I should leave--"

"No. Stay."

"Are you certain, Ma--Ciel? If I had somehow made you feel bad, please tell me so."

"It is fine. Will you tell me more of that story book?"

"Oh. Oh, of course." She looked taken aback, but nevertheless, complied. "The story book was told to me by the good man--"

As she continued to explain the story thoroughly, I can't help but think:

She gave me a part of her memories, but never even asked for my past in return. (Well, I did ask her to share.)

Even without letting her call me by my name, will she trust me this much?

A peculiar, naïve girl.


We walked around London again.

I took Sebastian and Alice again.

Alice seems to be deep in thought, I wonder what is bugging her? Her lips are pressed tight together, and she's tense. Did something happen earlier?

Sebastian is not being his usual smiling self too, and he looked disappointed. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

Did something happen between the two? And it's just the third day! Seriously these two...

"... I want to go to a candy store." I blurted. This seemed to get Alice out of her reverie.

"Master Ciel, we went to one just yesterday--"

"Didn't I tell you it is okay to call me 'Ciel'?"

She blushed, ashamed. "We are in a public place, sir."

"I understand that, but it will be their own problem if people will express their shock or disgust. I did tell you to call me by my name." I turned on my heels then to walk into a candy store. Being as they are, Sebastian and Alice followed me.

"I understand," she hesitates a little but, "Ciel." I gave her a satisfied look and browsed through the chocolate section of the store. They're not as good as my company's chocolates, but they might as well do the job of giving me the taste I want.

If I give Alice a chocolate, will she cheer up?

Why am I even thinking about that.

"Rin! Not too many!" I heard somewhere in the store.

"But Lenny, I want more candy! Especially these orange ones!"

"Rin, you are going to get fat at that rate."

"I am not fat and never going to be! Take that back!"

"Ow, okay okay!"

I rolled my eyes at what I heard and had gotten hold of a bag of candy and some chocolate bars when I heard something that made me pause.

"Hey Rin, where do you think Mika is? She hasn't returned since yesterday."

"I don't know. Maybe she returned home?"

"There's no news about it though."

"I'm worried."

"So am I, but let's go buy these, all right? Maybe Mika will come back today. Come on."

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