A talk

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We then settled the argument of whose time it is for house chores over a plate of bacon crisps and toasts. Dad had opted out of the argument and we had made significant progress since he did so. We reached the school around half an hour later, Roy and Aaron waited for us to greet us and wish us too. When I met Roy I called him for a word.

"Hey. Nice entry into the room today"

He smiled like his everything depended on it. He was blushing, why wasn't he supposed to.

I simply asked him to describe her and how he felt the first time.

He gave me a blank look and then the face he made was that of a mix between happiness, ecstasy and pleasure.

"I used to think that nothing on this earth could be made so perfect and beautiful and then I saw her." He breathe a sigh of relief and with a smile he started again.

"Her hair, as smooth as silk that I want to play with it the whole day and her eyes. Oh.."

He seemed star struck and he never recovered from that look the whole time.

"I fell in love the moment I stared into those eyes and it took me deep within her. Her chiselled nose was so perfect that as if Michelangelo or Da Vinci spent their whole lives just to carve the nose. Her lips, I could kiss them for the whole day. I was so much lost in her that it seemed someone had pressed the pause button in my life" he then turned back and gave her a smile. Tia stood dazed and was still smiling back, even when he had his back facing her.

I then looked at him and simply said.

"She is one in an infinite people."

"I realise it, I feel it even."

"Simply never hurt her." I said and I looked back at Tia. She had her back facing us and was talking to a group.

Roy held my hand and gave a nod. It was assuring enough that I felt happy.

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