The event passed by quickly, and after winning, we headed back towards the ship, seeing other members of the crew heading back as well. I know Arabella was curious about what everyone did that day, or rather, if the any of the boys finally made a move.

We get back, and we quickly make dinner, then gather around the table, to eat, and see how everyone's events went. Come to find out, Luna had reunited with her long lost brother Talon, who was visiting with us now. The siblings looked very happy, as they chatted, making up for lost time. Kris, had injured her ankle during volleyball, which she participated in with Nero. Russell had to take over, and even I could tell that the fencer wasn't too fond of my brother, so that would have been something to see, though we know he probably just did it for Kris. One of the most surprising things of the evening though, had to be Captain turning down booze. We thought something might be wrong with him, but we noticed he looked towards Cecilia after refusing it.

"Luna is an excellent dagger thrower, we wouldn't have won if it wasn't for her." Chris says, as he tells us about the event they participated in. He looks over at Luna fondly, and she returns it, giving him a kind look as well. Arabella nudges me in the side, looking at the two.

I roll my eyes, already knowing what she's talking about. "See! Aren't they amazing together? It's perfect, they are both so nice." She starts whispering excitedly next to me, and I can't help but laugh at how excited she is.

"I see that. Now calm down tomboy." I tell her, chuckling in amusement. I glance over at her, only to catch her rolling her eyes at me once again, something she does pretty much everyday.

"Kris was really great, before she got hurt. It was too bad she fell." Russell chimes in, as he gestures to the injured girl, who had a sprained ankle according to Christopher.

"Yea we really worked great together, that was too bad." Nero chimes in, and Russell glares at him, but doesn't say anything to him. Russell gets oddly quiet after that, for whatever reason.

I grab Arabella's hand and squeeze it, shaking my head at her, letting her know not to say anything. It was practically killing her not to get involved with what was going on with Kris, Russell, and Nero. I know she wanted Kris and Russell together something fierce. I wanted to see our friends happy as well, but it just wasn't our place to get involved, especially since no one asked us to.

"We ended up doing a puzzle. Penelope practically solved the whole thing herself, she was solving the riddles so fast." Eduardo says, as he ruffles Penelope's hair playfully, much to the astonishment of everyone. Penelope narrows her eyes at him, but gives him a small smile, as she elbows him in the side.

"Well someone wouldn't help me at first." Penelope adds, narrowing her eyes at the navigator once again, causing everyone to laugh, which in turn earned us all glares from Eduardo.

"See? He's softer with her, and so much more playful than normal. She teases him back too. I never thought I'd see Ed find someone, but she's perfect for him!" Arabella whispers excitedly next to me once more, after observing Ed and Penelope.

"Yes. Not so loud though, he'll get pissed if he hears you." I whisper back to her, holding back a laugh. Her hearts in the right place, but she's so damn nosy.

"Cecilia here, was the most graceful of all women today, in the dance contest." Morgan says, his eyes sparkling as he glances over at the blonde.

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