Chapter 8: No Longer Friends

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Most of the students that were volunteering, to help decorate for the carnival, were already inside the school. Less students didn't catch up with them, because they had forgotten to do some things outside. Particularly it was Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, Muffins, and some others.

"Oh..Lyra, we forgot to set these..streamers up!" Sweetie Drops said as she had remembered what to do.

"Neither of us, remembered! To do that..specific thing, I'll help you.. on it!" Lyra Heartstrings said as she walked to her best friend. Muffins or 'Derpy Hooves' had tagged along, due to her forgetting too. Several more people had went along with them.

"Berry Punch, can you help me," Muffins asked. "With this..snowman decoration."

"Sure, I will." Berry said. She helped her to adjust the white snowman decoration. Sweetie and Lyra placed the remaining blue streamers. Some pupils decorated with red candy canes and the rest put the ladders away. A certain group of girls observed, what they were doing.

It was no ordinary group, but ones that were coming up with a plan. A plan to get power. Basically, identified as... The Windigos! "So, what're, we doing again?"

"Thinking up, of a plan!" Frostbite Windigo said in a angry tone, as she responded to Icy Blizzard.

"Oh, sorry," Icy said as she wasn't showing any apologetic emotion. "Don't be loud, or our cover will be blown." she lowly whispered.

"I wouldn't be loud, if you didn't forget.. About, what we are..doing." Frostbite said furiously, through her gritted teeth.

The girl with zig-zag pigtails had poked Frostbite on her arm, to catch her attention. Frostbite's blue eyes widened, showing that she was frustrated, "What is it!?" she said as she turned back to her other sister.

"Why are you dressed up, in that weird get-up! It looks, kinda over the top."

"Stormy! We wore these clothes, so we wouldn't look suspicious! Besides, we would look unusual, if people saw us, not wearing any winter clothing."

Stormy Song rolled her eyes, "Still..doesn't explain why you, over-dressed!"

Frostbite got more furious, "Excuse, me! You, idiot! What, I'm wearing now, is in the top fashion! I have to be caught up, into the latest fashion trends," she said as she adjusted her blue earmuffs, that were on her head. "And, it suits me, perfectly. Just like you and Icy, have your own stylish outfits.. too."

Stormy sighed with her eyes closed, crossing her arms, "Fine, Frosty! Have it your way."

"It's Frostbite! Not Frosty."

"Hmph." Frostbite and Stormy said as they both crossed their arms and turned away from each other. Of course, Icy was in between them, "We should probably..get on with, what we're about to do."

"Of course, Icy," Frostbite turned to look at the students.

"At least, I'm not over-dressed like her."

Hearing what was said, Frostbite's light blue face turned into a scorching red color. The color of fierce anger. "Shut it, Storm. If I deal..with you.. any longer, I'll be sure.. To make you regret, what you've said to me." she furiously said, straight to Stormy's face as she gripped her by her blue jacket collar. Stormy sighed for a response, her collar being released.

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