Protective styles

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Box Braids, sew ins, Senegalese twists, faux locs, cornrows,

all examples of protective styles for black hair they're used to protect our hair from getting damaged or just to last us because we don't feel like doing it.

What bothers me is that some white people think it's ok to wear our protective hair styles and it's not

We invented these hairstyles to be different and also because we didn't feel like messing with it everyday

And seeing white people wearing it having not the slightest bit of knowledge where it even came from.

It Angers me because they only wear it because it's cute or its in style it's almost like their mocking us as if it's a joke.

Another things is that they'll post it on social media and be like new hairstyle isn't it cute no it's not cute. Then when black girls start attacking her ahh they start getting in their feelings shouldn't have gotten it in the first place

What kills me is when they say it's just a hairstyle No it's not just a hairstyle it's a culture that you know nothing about.

Then they be like well my boyfriend/best friend is black so it's ok then maybe they should've educated your clueless ass as to why getting it was a bad idea Before the media did.

We are not our hair we are a culture

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