Chapter 13: Princess

Start from the beginning

     "Dawood! Stop making your daughter cry," Iman heard another familiar baritone call out from across the parking lot. Iman gasped as she realized who Khadijah's father was. Dawood grinned as he turned and gave Khadijah a jumbo kiss on her cheek, "You're not crying anymore, right Shehzadi?" Khadijah shook her head, wiped her tears quickly, and gave her father a hug before kissing his cheek, "I wasn't crying! I was washing my eyes!" "With tears?" Dawood asked skeptically. "With natural water, Baba," Khadijah insisted. "Look, Uncle Ahmed! Baba's home!" "Best surprise ever, right?" Ahmed grinned and gave the father/daughter duo a semi-hug, "I actually managed to keep my mouth shut this time." Dawood held Khadijah protectively and looked at her, pride evident in his eyes, "My princess, you look absolutely beautiful." Khadijah smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "I used soap today!" "You use soap everyday, Shehzadi," Rana reminded and shook her head. Dawood smiled and finally looked around. His azure eyes connected with vivid green ones and he found his own eyes widening in surprise. He paused as he recognized the younger woman and called out, "Sister Iman?" Iman smiled and waved, "Brother Dawood. Long time." "Yeah," Dawood smiled. "Do you know Ms. Iman, Shehzadi?" Khadijah nodded, "Uh huh, Baba. She's my new teacher at daycare." "Well, small world," Dawood smiled and kissed Khadijah's cheek. "I take it you've met my beautiful daughter." "I have," Iman smiled. "Although, I didn't know she was your daughter at the time. I see the resemblance now." "My mini-me," Dawood laughed and gave Khadijah another hug.

     Iman hadn't seen Dawood in nearly five years. The last time she had seen the older man was when he burst into the mosque the day his mother was to be buried. If fury were to ever have a face, it would have to be Dawood's at the time he entered the mosque. He was in uniform, drenched from the rain; his hands shook as he stumbled inside. He said nothing. His eyes, two pools of blue fire that showed his fury. He looked at his siblings in anger, but remained mute. That was the last time Iman had seen him and she never forgot the anger behind his eyes. Now, as she looked at Dawood, she saw a different man. He had been a young man who thought he could change the world. Now, she saw a man who had given up on his drive to change the world. There were worry lines etched across his once youthful face. He was a man who had changed considerably in five years. The only thing that seemed to stay the same was his smile.

     Dawood kissed Khadijah's cheek and said, "Why don't you say goodbye to Ms. Iman and we'll go to Uncle Ahmed's house for some yummy food?" Khadijah nodded excitedly and waved at Iman before calling out, "Assalam alaikum, Ms. Abdullah!" "Walaikum assalam," Iman smiled and waved back. Dawood smiled and said, "I feel better about leaving her at daycare now. I wasn't sure who would be taking care of her and that bothered me a bit. Knowing that someone who cares deeply for the youth of this city is taking care of her, well, my heart is at ease. I'm sure she'll learn a lot from you." "I'm humbled by your words, brother, but I am sure Ms. Khadijah will teach me things along the way as well. I've only spoken to her briefly, but I can easily see how well behaved she is and how much she adores you," Iman smiled and bowed her head a little. "If you would be excuse me, I have to return to the other children." "No problem," Dawood nodded. He smiled as Khadijah called out, "See you tomorrow, Ms. Abdullah!" "Inshallah, Khadijah," Iman smiled and waved before heading back into the daycare room.

     "I missed you, Baba," Khadijah called out once Dawood strapped her in her car seat and sat down next to her. "I missed you too, Shehzadi," Dawood smiled before kissing the top of her head. "No mushy stuff in my car," Ahmed called out as he roared the car to life. "Oh stop it," Rana said as she rolled her eyes. "You were cuddling Khadijah yesterday, remember?" "We don't talk about the past," Ahmed said and smirked as Khadijah giggled. "What have you guys been up to while I was away?" Dawood asked as he held Khadijah's hand. "Shehzadi finished Surah Baqarah in the Qur'an," Rana said proudly. "We are still working on the translations, but she's doing well with the Arabic." "High five, beautiful," Dawood grinned as he gave Khadijah a high five. "I'm also reading big kid books, Baba," Khadijah added. "Oh yeah?" Dawood asked with a smile. "Like with chapters?" "Uh huh!" Khadijah nodded excitedly. "The book I'm reading has eight chapters." "How'd you get to be so smart?" Dawood asked with a smile. "Aunt Rana and Uncle Ahmed always teach me stuff," Khadijah explained.

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