Chapter 10: Life or Death

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I stared at him, smiling and letting my inner beauty shine. He stared back at me. Our faces were inches apart. So close if I moved forward a centimeter we would be kissing. That's how close we were. Crazily, I did move a centimeter forward. And- of course this happened- our lips met just as his parents waltzed back into the room.
"What the hell?!" His father shouted and I pulled back. Jaxon stared at me, wide-eyed. His hand reached for mine but his father slammed me into the wall. Pain struck the back of my head.
My broken leg ached miserably. "Leave my son alone!" He hissed into my ear and dropped me to the ground. My bad leg connected with the ground first, making me let out an ear-splitting scream of pain. I looked up only to see the light pouring down on me from the ceiling. When my eyes re-adjusted I saw Jaxon being held back by his parents and him struggling to pry from their iron grip. His father dragged him out the door and I tried to call out to him, to tell him I'd be okay, but only a hoarse whisper came out.
"Wait..." the voice sounded like a person rising from the dead. I couldn't tell it was my own. To my surprise, Francesca rushed to my side and started to dab at the back of my head with a damp cloth. I stared at her with eyes full of pain, hope, and fear. Of all things, this was one I never imagined for myself. I reached back and felt the back of my head, only to find a warm, moist surface that hadn't been there before. When I pulled my fingers to where I could see them, they were covered in a red, thick liquid... blood. Of course. Just my luck exactly. When I took a glance at the wall, there was a big red stain where my head had been. I let out another shriek as she started to put peroxide in the wound. My head started spinning. Everything around me seemed to be in a tornado.
"Branwen?... Branwen!" Francesca tried,"call an ambulance!"she shouted. Greaaat..., I thought to myself, This will be the 3rd time within a week! I grabbed her wrist and said in the strongest voice I could,

"Thank you," And fell against the wall, unconcious.
I could open my eyes, but that was the only move I was willing to make. Jaxon and Francesca both were in the room. Both of them had tear-stained cheeks. So either they were really scared for my sake, or they had just fought. Please don't let it be the fight one, I thought to myself before falling back to sleep in my hospital bed. I just hoped they had noticed that I was okay.

Hey guys! Okay, so as you know there has been some major drama throughout this story and especially in this chapter. In the next chapter not only will Branwen come face to face with reality, but she will also find out a secret that her family has kept from her about their heritage (Indian, Scottish, etc.). But this isn't something completely normal...

Book suggestion: OK so lately I have fallen in love with the story "Battle of the Captians" -seakissed.
Please oh please don't let me be the only one who has loved this story and it's authors progress!

Love u guys! ♡♡♡
¤Jane Carter

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