chapter three

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A girl who seems so happy, cry's on the bathroom floor. A girl, who seems to cope well, cuts herself every day. A girl, who seems so pretty, throws up in the toilet. A girl, who seems so perfect, isn't.

Chapter 3

I flip on the lights in my room and fall into my bed. I'm exhausted, I haven't eaten at all today and I feel super hungry. "Don't give in," I tell myself. "You don't need to be any fatter than you are." I go to step on the scale and want to kill myself at the number, 100lbs, I haven't lost any weight for the past two days, and I'm so fat. I go into my room and do a series of push-ups crunches and mountain climbers. By the time I finish I feel as if I'm dying. I hold onto my bathroom sink trying not to faint. After a little while I'm able to stand on my own again. Demi's concert is tomorrow so I decide to do a mud mask to cleanse my pores and maybe make me a little less ugly. I dance around my room to Paramore looking like a green zombie. After I wash it off I head to bed. I curl up with my fuzzy blanket and turn Don't Forget on low as I nod off. Waking, I am super hyped but also really scared and nervous. Marie is picking me up at 9am because we have to drive three hours to get to the concert. I slip on my new outfit and curl my hair; applying makeup I wish I could be beautiful. I grab my purse and run to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow," I yell to my mom. Marie is waiting in her car. I climb in and fasten my seat belt. After we've been driving for 20 minutes she turns down Here We Go Again which we've been blaring and says,

"So Jamee, there's a little surprise for you,"

"What?" I answer,

"Well," she says, "You know those tickets?" I nod. "Well they're actually backstage passes!" I scream and she laughs.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I say,

"Because I didn't want you to die of a heartattack before we even left." She laughed. Well she does have a point sense I'm hyperventilating now. We laugh and she turns the music back up. We scream out the lyrics as we race through town. She makes a turn on the freeway and we head north. The stadium is packed full of Lovatics. We push through and a security guard leads us backstage to a room where we wait. I really need to go to the bathroom so I tell Marie I'll be right back and go in search of a restroom. After five minutes I find one, finally, and go into a stall. I open the door to wash my hands and go to the sink. As I'm rinsing them the door to the bathroom opens and a woman walks in. She looks young and is super beautiful. As she raises her head I gasp, seeing that it's Demi.

"Hey," she smiles and comes over to the sinks. I blush and say hi back. As I reach for a towel to dry with my sleeves slip up, I pull them back down but I'm not fast enough. Demi catches her breath sharply as I dry my hands, acting like nothing happened. As I move to throw the towels away she touches my shoulder, "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asks. I shake my head and look up at her; she has tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry," I say, "I'm not worth it."

"But you are," she says and moves to hug me. I step into it and it's the best hug ever, warm and comforting, with a hint of strawberries. She lets me go, her hands sliding down to my wrists, "Why?" she asks. I lower my eyes,

"Life, mean people, I hate myself, I'm so fat and ugly," I say, chocking up. She hugs me again and whispers into my hair,

"It's going to be alright sweetie," A few tears fall out of my eyes onto her jacket. Then I come back to reality,

"I can't... I'm so sorry..." I say, backing away. "I'm just a waste of time."

"No" Demi says, "I want to be here for you," she takes my phone and enters something in it before giving me one more hug, she whispers stay strong baby, in my ear before she leaves. I stare at myself in the mirror still so shocked that Demi hugged me, I check my phone, she had put her number in my contacts, I'm stunned. I go back out to Marie, who is squealing with excitement,

"OMGODD! Jamee! Demi just came by and she autographed my cd! Ahh!" I laugh and give her a hug.

"You lucky duck," I say. Sense we have backstage passes we watch the concert from the side. Demi is amazing, I cry when she sings Skyscraper, well ok I cry the whole concert long but who wouldn't? Leaving the concert is almost harder than getting tickets for it was. Marie and I are nearly trampled by all the people that came to see Demi.

beautiful trainwerk: A demi lovato fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora