Chapter IX

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I grabbed the phone and hit speaker and I didn't say anything. "Jody I'm so fucking hurt I can't believe you"!  Said the female voice on the other. "Uhh who is this?" I asked the person On the other end of the line. The person got quiet then hung up. I couldn't call back because I didn't have his passcode. I was heated looking at his phone. I entered every possible pin I thought could be the code until it locked up. I threw his phone on the floor and laid down. I grabbed Jojo and pulled him closer to me. I cried silently as I sucked my thumb cuddling Jojo.

When I woke up Jojo was still asleep. I slowly and quietly got out of the bed. After i took care of my personal hygienes I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I had to be at the hospital today at 11 and it was already 9:12am. As I was whipping the pancake batter I heard a noise come from the basement. It kind of scared the hell out of me for a second. I placed the bowl down and went to open the door to the basement. I heard the tv on loud so I went on down to turn it off. As I approaching the couch I saw Jody  laid out on the couch. I was relieved that he was home and nowhere with these scandalous as Bitches. It took everything in me to not hit him in his face. Instead I kissed his lips and went back upstairs.

Just as I got done making everything Jody came from the basement sprouting nothing but morning wood. For a second my hurt and anger went away. But as he walked on by without even acknowledging me, the hurt and anger came back. "Well fuck you too Jody". I yelled at him. I prepared the table and fixed plates. I went into my room to grab Jojo, but he wasn't in my bed. I heard Jody talking in the bathroom so I went in. Jody was sitting on the toilet talking on the phone and Jojo was sitting on his lap looking up at him. "Jojo come on and eat". Jojo tried to slid down but Jody stopped him. "Jody let him go". I said. Jody gave me the side eye as he continued to talk to the person on the other end of the line. He kissed Jojo twice and the cheek and let him go. "Go to the table and sit in your chair your food is already there boo". I told him. "Okay mommy". He said as he hurried to the kitchen.

I stood in the doorway just looking at Jody. I waited until he got off the phone to say anything. "So you just gone ignore me Jody? Why is it that everytime you fuck around and get caught, you turn this shit around and get mad like its my fucking fault"? Yvette said with tears forming in her eyes. Jody looked at her and felt hurt. He loved this girl til the death of him and couldn't stand to see her cry or hurt. He wanted to tell her the truth, but Yvette told him if he ever cheated again she would take Jojo and leave him for good. He didn't want that, so he did what he did best; lie. "Because girl, if I fucking tell you I haven't been fucking around you should believe me Yvette. I have no fucking reason to cheat on you girl. I fucking love you and plan on making you my wife, so why would I risk fucking that up Yvette"? Jody asked getting closer to Yvette. She just stood there for a minute with tears in her eyes just looking at him. "I don't know Jody, I just don't know what to do if you were to cheat Jody. I can't deal with that shit and I'm not. I swear ill take Jojo and the baby and fucking leave you if you do"! She said not blinking once as she spoke.

Jody grabbed her and held her for a second. He begin Kissing her neck and telling her how much he loved her. "I love you too Jody but please don't lie and fuck around. And change your fucking password back to what it was or we're gonna have a problem"! Yvette said as she kissed his lips and walked off.

After breakfast they were hurrying trying to get ready to get to the hospital. They had to drop Jojo off at Ms.Juanita and meet up with Yvettes mom so she could see her new grand baby. Yvette also had to breastfeed baby Raymond. As they made it to the hospital Yvette got a call from her cousin Lynn. "Hello? Oh hey boo wassup". Said Yvette into the phone. "Who you talking to?" Asked Jody. Yvette didn't pay him no mind only kept talking. Jody grabbed the phone from Yvette. "Damn baby it's only my cousin nigga calm down". She said as she laughed. "Who is this"? Asked Jody. "Ohhh hey big daddy. Or should I say playa" said Ashlyn into the phone. Jody heart began to skip a beat because he was becoming nervous. He ended the call immediately. "Jody why you hang up on her"? Yvette asked. "Call her ass later when ainn around ion wanna hear you talking all loud. And besides I don't think I like your cousin to much." Jody said not taking his eyes off the road. "Jody you don't like no one I'm friends with. You think they're all hoes. And if they are that has shit to do with me"! "Yea ok". He said as he pulled up into the hospital.

Sorry had to cut it short because I've been hella busy but next chapter gone be hella lit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it won't take this long to publish like this one. It'll be up ina few days

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