Chapter VII

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I woke up to Jojo whining in his sleep. I sat up and looked over and noticed that Jody had somehow snuck his ass in. Jojo was cuddled up under him. I started to say something but changed my mind. I had slept half of the day away. It was 5:23 in the afternoon. I got up and decided I would cook. As I made my way through the hallways I heard a weird noise coming from the bathroom. I slowly opened up the door and saw the clothes Jody had on the day before. I found that to be kind of odd. I heard the noise again. It was vibration coming from his pants pockets. "His phone" I said out loud. I quickly grabbed his phone and the pain shot through my stomach. I didn't pay it no mind though. It was an unknown number calling. It stopped ringing.

I noticed he had eight missed calls from this same number. Before I could walk out the door good the same number called back. "Hello" I quickly answered "Who is this?" A familiar voice said on the other end. "You tell me you're the one calling back to back"! I snapped. "Is this peanut"? I asked. "No sorry I must've dialed the wrong number". The female voice said as she quickly hung up. Confused I just stood there starring at his phone. I enter what I thought was the password but turned out to be wrong. "Since when did this motherfucker change his password"?  Mad I went back into our bedroom. The bed was empty. Him and Jojo came out of the masters bathroom. Jody grabbed a shirt out of the drawer and put it on. "Hey baby". He said as he walked up to me and tried to kiss me. I dodged his kiss.

"Jody where you been since yesterday nigga"? "Work baby they called me in as I was pulling out. When I got off I chilled with my nigga pea and ended up falling asleep baby I'm sorry if I had u worried". Jody said as he grabbed her by her waist and began kissing her neck. "Jody please don't lie to me. You know I feel about that. We've been doing damn good and I don't want no problems". I said as I gazed into his eyes. "What you don't believe me" he asked getting offended. "Yes baby I do. Ugh. I hate arguing boo let's not start. And why did you change your lock code? Some number called over nine times and I answered it". "What did they say" he asked becoming alerted. "Nothing really it sounded like peanut but she claim it wasn't her. I think it was her. I should've cursed her ass out". I said jokingly. "Go fix something to eat Yvette while me and Jojo go downstairs" Jody said as he kissed me and walked off quickly. I thought that was kind of strange but shook the feeling off. I went to make dinner. I decided on something simple like hamburger helper, greens and cornbread.


My nerves were shoot. One thing I didn't need was Yvette to suspect me fucking around. Her insecurities is just some a nigga can't deal with. I mean I was wrong for what I did. Temptation had a nigga going crazy. But Yvette is the only woman I'll ever be in love with. I just got to learn how to control myself because I'll be damned if I'm a married man fucking around still playing them lil kid games.

"Daddy can we play the game"? Jojo asked. "Sure lil man Ima let you play while I finish unpacking these boxes over there". I hooked the game up for Jojo and began unpacking and putting things where they belonged. We'd been in the house for about a week now and it was actually Starting to feel like home. "Bae the food is ready" Yvette yelled down the stairs. I finished up the few things I had to do and grabbed Jojo. We went into the bathroom in the basement and cleaned up. As I carried Jojo up the stairs I overheard Yvette on the snickering and grinning. I ain't like that shit. "Who is that"? I asked walking up on her. "My cousin baby." I gave her the side eye as I sat down at the table. "Ain't shit that damn funny girl. Come on and fix our plates." I commanded. "Ok so ima text you my address and I can't wait to see u girl I can't wait. Haha ok girl it don't matter how late it is just come. Ok bye girl" Yvette said as she hung up.

"My cousin is coming over later Bae her and sherika if that's Kool with you" she said as she began fixing plates. "Aww shit Sherika freaka. Chris gone let her out the house" I joked. "I'm guessing. We'll see if they come or not".

We just sat at the table and joked and just had a good ole time. I love my family. Everyday Yvette do some shit to make me love her more. I couldn't help but stare as she talked. Basically not paying attention to anything she was saying. She was so fucking sexy. "What's wrong boo why u keep looking at me like that."? She asked all innocent. "Come here girl". She put her fork down and walked over to me. I grabbed her and pulled her into my lap. "You know I love you girl"? "Yes baby I love you too". I grabbed her face and we embraced in a passionate kiss. I'm talking about tongue action EVERYWHERE. "Ewww daddy don't lick my mommy". Jojo said seriously. We both had to stop and laugh at him. For his Age he was damn smart. Especially being born to some young as teenagers. I wouldn't change none of it.


I got up and went back over to my seat to finished eating. When we were all done I took their plates and placed them in the sink. I pulled out some banan pudding I secretly made for dessert. It was Jody and jojo's favorite. "Damn girl when you make this? Come here Jojo look what mommy made for dessert"? Jody said all excited. Once Jojo saw what I made he began jumping up and down cheering. I found that to be so funny. I fixed Thier plate and sat them down at the table. I also fixed them some cherry Kool aid since I forgot to fix it for them while we were eating. Before I could have a seat the doorbell rung. "I got it its for me anyway". I went to the door and looked through the peep hole. And there stood Shereka and my cousin Lyn. I was so excited to see her. It had been years. "OMGEE girl I haven't seen you in forever. How have u been. And Shereka now all of a sudden wana come to my new house" I joked.

"Bitch whatever don't do me hoe you know how Chris as is when it comes to me leaving that damn house." Shereka said as she laughed. "Soooo this way to meet my lil family girl you know I'm engaged" I said as I showed her the ring. "Awwww congrats at least one of us is tying the knot. I'm happy for you." Ashlyn said happy for me. We made our way in the kitchen. "Bae this is my cousin Ashlyn but we call her Lyn". I said. Jody looked up and began choking on his Kool aid.


Just as I was about to swallow the Kool aid I was drinking Yvette walked in with Ashlyn aka her cousin. I began choking on my drink. Think aww fuck. Shit about to hit the fan.

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