Chapter Five: A Warning

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Chapter Five: A Warning

***Leo Valdez*** ( A/N Bet you weren't expecting that!)

Gone. They were gone.

We were all furious when they clubbed Percy and Annabeth from behind, but we controlled ourselves because they were at the hybrids' mercy, and we couldn't bring ourselves to do anything that would put them in danger.

I half expected Percy to spring up, and knock out the hybrids single-handidly, then turn to us and ask us why we were staring.

But that didn't happen.

We watched helplessly as the helicopter flew away with our friends, and we were powerless to stop them.

When they were gone, we stood frozen in a shocked silence, until Piper broke it.

"We should go back to camp. We have to tell Chiron what happened, and then from there we can come up with a plan to save Percy and Annabeth." she said.

Jason blinked, coming out of his shock. "Okay. Let's clean up and get back to camp."

I turned away and started gathering our blankets, when I heard a loud noise behind me. The chopper. We all tensed, ready for a fight, and turned to face the helicopter.

I could never remember what really happened in those next few minutes. There was a hybrid leaning out of the 'copter. He was holding something rather bulky, and it glinted in the afternoon sun.

I heard loud noises.

I felt pain erupt in my shoulder as I was thrown back from the force of the . . . bullets? I didn't care. I was in agony.

I heard the hybrid's musical voice shouting something that I didn't quite catch, but it sure didn't sound like an apology for shooting my shoulder.

I clutched at my shoulder, gasping in shock as new waves of pain radiated from my injury.

I dimly heard my friends screaming my name, but I was too weak to answer.

They came into my line if vision, and they looked horrified, so I knew that I must have looked terrible.

"Leo? Leo answer me."

My senses were fading, and the rim of darkness that was eating away at my vision was winning the battle.

I felt pressure on my shoulder, and I yelled in pain.

"Oh gods, Leo I'm so sorry."

"Leo, keep your eyes open."

"Don't pass out on me, man."

The voices faded to a dull buzzing noise, and felt as though there were heavy weights on my eyelids. Just a five minute nap . . . .




Come on guys, I'm trying here, but I need to get some comments...Is there something wrong with my story? Do you guys not like something I did?

Am I a bad author?


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