Chapter Four: Thanks

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Chapter Four: Thanks

***Annabeth Chase***

Oh gods. Oh gods. It's been hours since they took Percy away. Hours. The gods only know what they're doing to him. What that girl had said about experimenting on us...Please, I prayed, please let him be okay.  

I needed to see Percy. I needed to get out of this cage and walk around. I needed to do something, or I was going to go crazy, especially with my ADHD. 

The door opened, and one of the hybrids that had captured Percy and I came in. There was something limp in his arms, and I cried out in relief when I realized who it was. Percy.

The hybrid shifted Percy to one arm, unlocked the latch on his cage, and gently placed him in. I scrambled to the side of my cage that  was closest to Percy, and gasped at his appearance. He had numerous burn marks all over both of his arms, and when he opened his eyes to look at me, I saw pain and exhaustion swirling in his sea-green eyes. 

"Oh, Percy. What did they do to you?" I was horrified by his appearance. Just hours ago he had looked so happy and pain free, and now he looked so worn down.

Meanwhile, the hybrid had been conversing with the girl who had told us where we were. She looked shocked, then relieved and determined, although suspicion still lingered on her face.

Then, the hybrid turned to me. "He'll be alright. He just needs to rest." His voice was beautiful and melodious, but I wasn't focused on his voice. He'll be alright. Thank gods. Tears of relief sprang to my eyes, but I refused to let them fall in front of our captor. The hybrid turned to leave.

"Thanks.", I blurted. He turned to me, nodded once, and left.

I focused my attention back to Percy. I stuck my fingers through the bars of the cage, as much as they could reach towards him, and he weakly brought his hand to the bars, then let it fall limply to the bottom of his cage, because even that simple movement was too much for him.

This time, the tears fell, and I cried silently in horror. Who did this to my Seaweed Brain?



So, I know that this chapter was a little slow, but things are going to pick up soon.

On a completely unrelated subject, I've decided that I'm going to start asking questions about the Maximum Ride series, and the Percy Jackson series, and the Heroes of Olympus series at the end of each chapter, and I'll be dedicating the following chapters to the person with the best answer! And sometimes, I might even ask you guys to make a guess about the story, so pay close attention to what;s going on in the chapter!

OK, so here's the first question, and this is about my story:

Why do think Max reacted the way she did towards the Eraser that brought Percy to his cage?

Don't forget to vote and answer in the comments!



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