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It all happened so fast. Kronos marched up to the Empire State Building, there was barely enough demigods to hold him a small horde of monsters, let alone the entire army. Chiron stood between the campers and the killers. Katie held her breath as he charged and almost sobbed as he was kicked back against the wall with it crumbling all around him leaving him buried. Annabeth then let out a yell of fury and the freezing charm broke. Her and the Stolls quickly ran to the side a bit and grabbed as much minimally injured demigods as they could.

Thirteen. There were only thirteen campers and hunters out of the eighty that started. Thirteen. Quickly shuffling down a ambrosia square and running back to the battle only to find Percy holding Annabeth back from Lu-Kronos. Kronos.

"I HATE you!" If she was talking to Luke or Percy, Katie had no clue. The daughter of Demeter always felt bad for Annabeth, by demigod standard she had it bad. She didn't know much but from what she did know was that her mortal life was so bad that she ran away at seven years old. Then she found Luke and Thalia, to which Thalia got turned into a tree (which she was saved from five years later to only leave a few months later to join the hunt) and Luke later betrayed the only place she considered a home. He betrayed her. But then Percy came around. When the two were not on quests they were sneaking off to go on one. They snuck off to the sea of monsters, (crazy in her opinion), Percy snuck off to save her, and then on her quest everyone thought he was dead. And now the great prophecy is unraveling, and it looks like Percy isn't going to survive it. So yeah, Katie feels bad for Annabeth.

While thinking all the of a sudden Nico shows up. Riding a hellhound. With Hades. And Persephone. And Demeter. That is when, quite literally, all Hades breaks loose. The Morpheus spell was broken off except for around the base of the building. The final battle had begun and one way or another the prochey would come to an end. Katie and her fellow demigods got to work slicing monsters with the help of Nico, the three gods, and the army of the dead. Kronos and demigod entered the Empire State Building, entered Olympus. Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Grover quickly followed. But Katie couldn't concentrate on that, only on the tasks ahead. Keep her friends and family alive and kick Kronos army's butt.

The battle momentarily stopped for a split second to look up to see chucks of walkway falling and dissolving from Olympus. One thing was for sure The four demigods will be getting no help from anyone soon.

The enemy army cheered before a new found anger took over everyone demigod and god. They were not going to watch as Olympus slowly crumped. They were going to kill as much monsters as they could as long as they could.

All the demigods let out a cheer to rival the enemy's, actually even more impressive with the three gods joining in as well. And soon Katie was whirling around slicing everything she could. In the distance she could hear "BRICK BY BRICK!" being bellowed but she didn't care. She just cared about slicing, turning, jabbing, blocking, whirling, and stabbing.

The monsters numbers were still endless by the time the body fell through the sky. It was small a frail as it fell weightlessly through the sky. A sobb almost escaped her mouth as she watched it break against the hard ground a block away.

Please not one of my friends! She prayed, I've lost to many already. Mother please tell me it's not Percy, Annabeth, Grover, or Thalia.

A sudden pathy cleared giving her a full view of her Mother waving her hand and turning a small horde of monsters into dandelions. Her mother mad sudden eye contact before shaking her head slightly then returning to battle.

It wasn't one of them! Oh thank the gods! She was about to cry out in relief when gold dust exploded, caking her in monster dust. She turned around to find a middle age woman with brown hair, greying slightly, and lively blue eyes.

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