‘So what are you doing about the Niall problems?’ he asked, turning the direction of the conversation. I grinned. ‘that’s part two of tonight!’ I hoisted myself up from the bench, pulling my dress down.

He followed my lead, walking out the park, while he had his hand on my shoulder, just like we were friends, and nothing had ever been awkward between us. ‘Hey, Niall better not fuck up after tonight, because I’ll kick his butt.’ He said, as serious as I’d ever seen him. We both burst out laughing, and after that, everything was okay. I had my friend back.


This time, waiting was even more nerve-racking. I was seated in Liam’s car again, waiting for him and Niall. My whole body was trembling. What if they couldn’t get him out of his room, where he had, apparently, been sulking the whole time? What If they didn’t convince him to come out with them? What if he turned around as soon as he saw me? What if he saw harry and beat the crap out of him?

What if he didn’t want me anymore? I didn’t get time to think any further, because right then, the door opened, and a grumpy looking Niall walked out, Liam behind him with his hands on Niall’s shoulders. It looked like he wanted to do anything but what he was doing right now. did Liam tell him I was involved?

Liam opened the car door, giving Niall the room to step in, behind me. I could hear his feeble protests, asking why he couldn’t sit in the front. Oh yeah, stupid me. The windows were tinted. He couldn’t see me from outside. Finally, he sat down.

The scent of his cologne, his deodorant and just his near presence made my heartbeat skip. I turned around, eyeing him with bright red cheeks. ‘Hi..’ I whispered like the awkward turtle I am. As soon as he saw me, his eyes went dark, and he grumbled something while he tried to get out again.

Liam was already sitting next to me, and he quickly pushed the lock button, so Niall couldn’t get out. Pissed off, he huffed at us, sliding down in his seat, looking out the window like an angry, uninterested child.

I could feel the tears rising. He didn’t want anything to do with me.. I closed my eyes, my hand running through my hair again. It was stopped abruptly by an other hand, which held mine. I opened my eyes, seeing Liam giving me a reassuring smile from the passenger seat, while he held my hand. Everything is gonna be alright.

We got out on a busy road, lined with all colors of balloons, giving it a cheery feeling. Liam grabbed Niall’s arm to help him out of the car, but didn’t let go so Niall couldn’t stalk off. It hurt me to see him like this, like a stubborn teenager, his eyes angrily watching me while he struggled against liam’s grip. I had to make this allright. I had to give us another chance. He just needed to know how much I cared.

Slowly we got to the entrance of the theme park in front of us. It was getting dark, and the little lights in the park made it a beautiful sight. I was watching intently, while trying to focus on my job for the night; getting back my boyfriend.

Finally, we arrived at our destination; the Ferris wheel. It stood still in it’s place, no one aboard, lights out. But as soon as we set foot on the boards that surrounded it, a man came up to us. ‘Amber, right?’ he asked. I nodded, smiling politely. ‘Allright, you guys go in. everything is ready.’ I thanked him, and nodded at Liam, who pulled Niall in one of the open cabins.

the cabins were open on top, so you could see everything that went on around the ferris wheel. 4people could easily be seated, two opposite from eachother. There was only one cabin opened up, standing on the bottom. Inside, I could see Niall struggling to get out, but Liam held him.

I gulped down some fresh air, and entered the cabin. I was terrified of heights, but right now I was only terrified of what would happen between Niall and me. As soon as I entered, Liam let go of Niall and slammed the little door behind us. Niall turned around, jumping to the door, but the lights had turned on and the wheel begun propelling us upwards, together with all the empty baskets that surrounded us.

Niall was grabbing at his hair forcefully, making it stick up at weird places. I sighed, turning around and letting myself fall on one of the benches. Niall gave up trying to escape, and set down opposite from me, his eyes still burning from the anger that was inside of him, he adverted his eyes, staring out of the little cabin.

‘Niall..’ I sighed quietly, while I softly put my hand on his knee. At least he didn’t shake of my touch, that was a good start, right? His eyes kept glued to the outside world, desperately trying to ignore me. ‘Niall we really need to talk..’ the only answer I got was a nearly unnoticeable shake of his head while he kept ignoring me.

‘Okay. Then we’ll do this the hard way.’ I sighed. ‘I just want you to know.. I made a mistake, a huge mistake, ok niall?’ I poured out, half expecting him to start laughing, but he kept silent. But there was a slight change in his body language. If I wasn’t mistaken, I would say he was looking more sad than angry right now. I swallowed again, my dry throat hurting me. His sadness was entirely my fault.

‘I just.. Niall..’ I leant forward, taking my hand away from his knee and placing it on his hand, that was resting on his other knee. He turned his head, watching me wearily, tears shining in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but I shook my head.

right now, I wanted to talk. This was all my fault, not his. I needed him to know how much I cared for him, how sorry I was..

‘I’m really sorry.. I know I can’t make this up to you, and I know you’ll never forget, but I realised it when I woke up this morning; things weren’t right. ‘ my eyes travelled across the little cabin. ‘Damn right it wasn’t right.’ He whispered, but in the small space I could hear him easily. His eyes bore in to mine, the blue piercing me.

‘I know Niall.. it was the biggest mistake I ever made, but it made me realise something very important..’ I saw him swallow, like I had done before, a pained expression taking over his beautiful features. He didn’t think I would choose harry, did he?

A hopefull, little smile crept up my face while I talked again. ‘I realised that you’re all I want. You’re all I need, Niall.’ I sighed, happy that I had said what needed to be said. Then I realised I needed to hurry, because we were almost at the top of the wheel.

‘I talked to harry, and he agrees. You and I.. we’re good together.. I just hope you agree too Niall..’

The cabin squeaked while it steadied itself, on the top edge of the ferris wheel, shaking a bit in the wind that blew around us. Niall’s eyes were focussed on me, while I was watching the floor intently. ‘all I want you to know is this..’

 I stood up, almost screaming because of the rocking cabin, my knuckles turned white from the forceful hold I had on the edge of the seat. I took one more gulp of air, reached out, grabbed Niall’s hand, pulled him off his seat, and pointed my other hand to the outside of the cabin, to make him see what i did for him.

my heart almost thumped out of my chest, fear, hope, love, all combined.

Reckless Love (Niall Horan Fanfiction) (english)Where stories live. Discover now