Six// Imeme Likes A Horny Manny

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Today is the day.

"Are you ready?" Kayla shouts in my ear. I let out a shriek and cover my poor ears. I glare at her while she laughs.

"Why are you such a bitch?"

"I was just born that way," Kayla responds, smirking. "I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way!" She purposely sings off key. And as if she couldn't be any more annoying, she starts doing some stupid dance moves to go along with it. Usually, I would laugh at her or join her, but right now, I was too consumed with nerves to want to do anything other than think of the things that could go wrong tonight. The possibilities are endless.

Madat might not show up.

Kayla could get some disease that'll prevent her from singing.

My hands could get chopped off.

A giant eagle might come and swoop Tate away while we're performing.

Anything can happen, and I have to be prepared.

I leave Kayla to go to the bathroom so I can freak out properly. I look at my Asian eyes and squint making them more Asian.

"You're a fine ass bitch, and you're going to rock this party," I tell myself. "Who cares if you have a punk guitar? Pink is punk rock!"

After a few moments of silence, I shake my head. "I'm not punk rock," I admit.

"Congratulations, the first step is admitting you have a problem," a voice emits from the wooden bathroom door causing me to let out a high pitched shriek for the second time today.

I open the door and accidentally knock over the person with the door. I gasp when I see a boy face down. He has dark brown hair and tan skin from what I can see. He kinda reminds me of Handy Manny. Maybe he's Mexican.

I touch the boy with my foot to see if he's still alive. When he doesn't say anything, I start to panic, thinking that I killed a man. I lift him up by his shoulders, but quickly drop him when I recognize his facial features.

He's Calum Hood.

I scream as loud as I can and Kayla comes rushing out of nowhere to me. When she sees the body on the floor she looks at me with a seriously face.

"I leave you for a few minutes and you manage to kill someone!" She takes a longer look at the body and comments, "Hey, he kinda looks like Handy Manny! Wait...why would Handy Manny be near the girl's bathroom?" Kayla gasps. "Oh my gosh! He's a Horny Manny! Imeme, you killed Horny Manny!"

I roll my eyes at her dramatic freak out and ignore the fact that she just called me Imee. I lift Calum up to show Kayla who he is and watch as the blood drains from her face. She slaps herself and then slowly bops Calum's nose.

"Oh my god! He's real!" She squeals. She laughs like a mad maniac, but then her smile drops. "Oh, I forgot that you killed him."

"I didn't kill him! He's just unconscious," I explain, trying to shrug it off like its no big deal when I know for sure that it is.

"What are we going to do?" Kayla whines.

"I know just what to do!"


This was supposed to be longer, but I really wanted to update it today.

I'm sorry that it took so long for me to update, but I'm just so busy lately.

 Yeah, so that's pretty much it

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Yeah, so that's pretty much it

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