Rory entered and said, "Do you want me to have a look?"

"Yea. Go ahead."

Rory nodded and grabbed the stethoscope. He checked her heart rates and lifted her eyelids to find her eyes wide with fear. After a few moments he said "She passed out due to trauma. She has seen or heard something that brought back a traumatic memory. Do you know what it could be Doctor?"

"No. We just hugged, because we we're glad to see each other again, than she just passed out in my arms moments later."


Astrea's eyes fluttered open and she realised she was in the Med Bay. She muttered under her breath, "Not again."

"Nice to see you too." The Doctor joked.

Astrea tilted her head and half smiled at the Doctor. "Sorry about leaving you. I was just..."

"Angry. I know. I should have told you before." The Doctor said looking at the floor.

Astrea raised herself up from the bed and lifted up the Doctor's head so he was looking at her. "I forgive you for that. I have done for the past 73 years and I wouldn't blame you if you hate me for what I did."

"73 years? I've been searching for you for 3 years. How long have you been on earth for?"

"100." She replied laughing lightly.

"Wow. Long time and no. I never hated you. I still love you and always will."

He leaned in slightly and Astrea did the same but pulled back in fear as an image came to mind. The Doctor looked at her concerned. She shook her head as a tear snaked down her face. "I'm sorry." She said quietly and ran off to be alone.


The Doctor sunk in his chair. "How can I be so stupid! She only got here and I'm already rushing into it."

The TARDIS let out a low hum and the Doctor got out of the chair and ran to the library. He opened the door and walked over to Astrea. She was crying. "Astrea?" She looked up at him and he continued. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to rushed back into it."

"It wasn't that." She sobbed. "It's something else."

He sat down beside her and hugged her. Rocking back and fourth. The Doctor smiled slightly when he said. "Remember we did this after you woke up from you dream of Gallifrey."

She chuckled lightly and said softly, "Yeah. Is Amy and Rory still travelling with you?"

"Yea. Alison, David and Jack got dropped off home a few weeks after the incident."

Astrea broke from the hug and stood up saying, "I'm gonna grab a coffee do you want one?"

"Sure. Is that a hint of Irish in you accent?" The Doctor grinned.

"What? I don't have an Irish accent."

"Yes you do. Northern Irish to be precise."

"I don't...Oh My God I do." She said slightly surprised. "I must have picked it up because I was living there for a while."

"Then what were you doing in Cardiff?"

"Just a few days away. Didn't turn out well though." Astrea said looking at the ground.

"Why? What happened?" He asked concerned.

"I don't wanna talk about it."


Astrea and the Doctor entered the console room and saw River arguing with Amy and Rory. "River. When did you get here?" The Doctor asked.

"A few minutes ago. I only came around to give you these." She handed the Doctor a few sheets of paper.

"Divorce papers?!"

"Yes. You've spent most of you time looking for that tart and your more happy with her than with your wife so I want divorced."

The Doctor didn't say anything when River handed him a pen. He hesitated for a moment then signed them. River took them back and said, "I hope you have a happy life with HER but before I go I have something to tell you that she won't." Astrea froze on the spot starting to shake. "Last night she was..." She ran out of the room not wanting to hear River say what she was gonna say and locked herself in an empty bedroom.


"Last night she was getting it on with some bloke in an alleyway."

"She wouldn't do that." The Doctor raised his voice a bit standing up for Astrea.

"Then why did she run off." River smirked.

The Doctor turned around and Astrea wasn't there. When he looked back at River she too was gone. Rory walked up to the Doctor and said, "If I were you I'd go speak to Astrea and hear her side of the story." The Doctor nodded and went to go look for her.

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