Well, get him to trust you quick. Zonnick is growing impatient and you know how she is when she's angry.

"Okay, I will but can you assure Zonnick that I'll do my best?" I asked tentatively.

Yeah, I'll do that. So tell me about their abilities.

"Well, Ray Ray controls fire, Prodigy air and ice, Prince is earth and as for Chres I absolutely have no idea. I haven't seen him practice yet." Chres is really weird. It's like he has no abilities of his own. Maybe that's why he never practiced with the boys.

You really have to find out more about Chres, Bree or else Zonnick will have both my neck and yours.

"I'm trying, okay, just hang in there. Now, I gotta go, bye." I hung up and sighed. This isn't going to be easy. I have to get closer to Perry for this to work and I didn't like that.

I placed my phone on my bed then grabbed my writing pad and black pen then went out of the room only to halt in my tracks as Chres came out of his and Perry's room.

"You okay?" He asked raising a brow. Oh God, what if he heard me talking? What if he heard what I'd said? He is a vampire after all and we all know that they have superhearing skills. I nodded and scribbled on the pad.

"Just hungry." He chuckled. I released a relieved breath I hadn't known I was holding. Thank God he doesn't suspect anything. Maybe he really doesn't have any abilities. Yeah, I don't think he does.

"C'mon, the food is ready." He switched the book that he was holding to his other hand then grabbed mine and led me to the kitchen.

[Chres' POV]

So, she can speak. I'd heard everything she'd said. Everything. She's a traitor. And I know that she was talking to one of the girls that kidnapped my Perry.

How dare she have the nerve to think that she can just come in this house and plan our death? if that's what she's planning. I'm not entirely sure yet but I'll find out.

I'll have to tell Perry about this. I promised to and we really need to be prepared for when they strike. We'd agreed nor to tell Craig and Ray since they're the ones that they want. Yeah, we'd asked them I'd they knew anyone named Prodigy and Ray Ray and they'd said that those were their nicknames. I think the only reason they took Perry was for Bree to come live with us. That's the only sensible reason as to why they never killed Perry. They're slayers so they should've killed him but they didn't, that should say something.

From Dusk Till Dusk (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now