Chapter 22

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        I reached out for her. Life slowed. The angel of darkness has finally fallen. I was so close yet so far. She hit the ground so hard and then so soft. A thud sound echoed through my ears. Nightmares were around us, but I cut every single one that stood in my way down. My mind was full of rage and pain. I had to get to her. My mate. My queen. My love. My life. I had to. If it weren't for Kyle we wouldn't be in this mess. If he hadn't had a panic attack and shot her down she would be fine. I reached her. My poor broken angel laid in my arms. Her wings were gone. She looked up at me. A cut on her head started to heal. Tori's eyes were clouded. She was dying it seemed. I pulled her up into my lap. My tears dripped onto her cheeks. She breathed my name. I begged her to stay with me. She tried. I saw it. Tori looked up at me. She didn't want to leave.  I kissed her. Her soft pink lips pressed against my mine. Tori's lips soon went limp. "Tori? Tori? TORI!" I cried out. I shook her hard. Tori didn't move. I knew she wasn't dead, but I didn't know how long she would be out or even if she would ever come out. I was pulled away from her. I screamed and struggled against the people I looked up to see Kal and Jeb dragging me. They didn't say anything. I stopped struggling. There was nothing I could do for my queen.

Tori was put into our medical tent. I told the group about the news. Kyle had ran off. More like I chased him away and told him to never return to my Tori. I walked into the tent and held my mate's hand. She never once moved. Jeb informed me that we had to go. Tori has an island off of California where no one lives. That was our target.
I loaded onto my motorcycle with Miki driving Tori's. I knew I could trust her. Miki drove slowly. We had to be slow for the other cars. She pulled up next to me, "Tori will be alright." I looked at her. "We don't know that though. She could never come back" I said quietly. Miki pulled in front of me to stop my bike. I looked up startled. "Listen Jayson Goods and listen well. We are talking about Victoria Elizabeth Helsing. She is probably the strongest girl I know as well as the most stubborn. She will come back for us. I know it. I can feel it." Her eyes pierced me. I smiled wrily and nodded. "I'm going to ride by the medical truck. Keep leading the way." Miki nodded and started again.
We traveled for a long time. The children gave us a hard time. If only Tori could be here then they would be good. They feared and loved her. Sophia never left the queen's side. I guess she missed Tori more. I sighed. We set up camp for the day. I set up Tori and I's tent. I picked her up and put her in it. I laid down with her. I smelled her blonde hair. I looked at the black highlight. I wondered if she got it on purpose or accident. I sighed and fell into a deep sleep where there was nothing but black.

Later I awoke it was starting to become dark out and if we kept traveling we would reach the sea by daybreak and then cross to the inhabited island according to Jeb. Kal looked at me hoping that his ex would wake up, but I shook my head no and he nodded looking down to the ground. Within twenty minutes we were packed up and ready to go. Jeb and Miki took the lead. I allowed Jeb to ride my bike while Miki rode Tori's. I hitched a ride in the medical vehicle. I just watched over my queen the way she did all those months ago. The guards were making a circle around the citizens.We had lost a few people due to natural causes and others to Nightmares. I was the one that slaughtered the ones who turned. Tori laid still with nothing to show. I sighed.

The howls in the night made an eerie mood. I was constantly on watching the forest move. I didn't say anything. I watched Tori. She didn't move when I kissed her. I cried a little. Tori wasn't fazed. I bit my lip. We drove on and by day we came to a boat. Jeb got the boat all ready and we climbed on board. I took a few squads to make sure the ship was Nightmare free. Oddly enough it was. That made me real happy knowing that the the group could rest and we would be safe in a few seconds. The boat started and we were off on the Pacific Ocean. I laid next to Tori burrowing my nose into the nape of her neck. She never moved once. I fell asleep hugging her close to me.

I was forced to awake by Kal shoving my shoulder roughly. I got up and picked Tori up. She weighed nothing in my arms. I mentally freaked out. She was never this light in her life. Not calling her fat or anything, but she weighed about as much as a high school senior who starved herself. I sucked up a tear. We were greeted by the darkness of night. I could tell it was a tropical type landscape. Monkies called out in the night and the smell of humidity filled my nostrils. I followed Jeb and Kal. They seemed to know what was going on. Tori breathed softly against my chest. We walked into the jungle kingdom. We weren't anywhere on the map. The government must've hid this location for the vamps. This had to be their sanctuary.

Jeb lead the group into a wing where they will be placed. Looks like I will be setting everyone up with their jobs and see what we can do. From the sound of it there weren't any Nightmares here because this was a deserted island and Nightmares can't swim. Kal had lead me into the King's room as he called it. It was big. It was like two living rooms in one room. The bathroom was a small pool size. I laid her on the king sized bed. I looked at my mate and decided to take a look around. The bathroom had a big tub. It had a waterfall in it. I started the warm luke water. I had to give my angel a bath. She needed to get that blood off of her. I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. I took her clothes off and let her body soak in the water. I washed her hair and scrubbed the dirt and grime off of her. I smiled where she was clean and let the water drain. I dried Tori off and put her in a dress. Maids came in and did her hair. I took a shower washing all the blood, dirt, and dead skin off. The shower water turned clear after what seemed like 15 minutes. When I got out I saw an outfit ready for me. Silver and black. It made me look like a cruel prince, but I guess that's what I had to wear. I brushed my hair back. I walked back to see my queen. She laid there like an angel in deep sleep. I fed her some blood and watched over her. This went on for several weeks. I laid by her side almost all the time. I never left until I had too.

Tori never changed.

After eight weeks of torture and constant bathing, feeding, watching, and meetings I finally gave up hope that my mate wasn't going to wake up. She has been out for two months total. Nothing I did would bring her back. I placed a kiss on her soft lips. Her eyes weakly opened up. I stopped breathing as the sapphire blue eyes opened. They looked up at me and I hugged my mate. Everything was perfect. I breathed her name slowly. She didn't respond with a hug or even a kiss. I looked into her eyes. They weren't the same ones I used to look into. "T-Tori?" I stuttered.
She looked up at me. "I'm Victoria. Not Tori."
I looked at her more intensely. "Tori come on quit playing games. It's not funny." She shook her head.
"I'm Victoria Elizabeth Helsing."
I nodded, "I know Angel, I know."

Her eyes clouded over. The last words that left her mouth made me fall into a world where light never existed. World of darkness truly fell into my life. "Who are you?" Tori asked. She meant it. Tori was gone. She left and let Victoria take over. Tori didn't remember me. "Who are you?" she asked again. I fell to my knees. Tori was gone.

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