Chapter 18

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           I was finally free from the crazy cousins who never could quit asking me questions about me. I mean yeah I guess they had a right but the Asian chick Liv was terrifying. Like I swear I about shit my pants. That chick can swing her scissors around like nobody's business. I don't know how Tori puts up with them, but she does. She's who I am looking for right now. Guess she just disappeared. Well I wanted my mate and used my nose to find her training hard.
I watched her from a distance. The muscles of the cat coiled and uncoiled as the weights were lifted up, then uncoiled as she put them down. The muscles just rippled under her body. She stood there for a long time. Staring into space. I could tell she was in distress by the way her eyes were. Full of loss, sorrow, and worry. I smirked at this opportunity and walked up behind her, catching Tori off guard and wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her close. She gasped at the sudden surprise of weight as I nuzzled my face into the back of her neck. She smiled and placed one hand on mine and the other around my neck, and pulled me into a kiss. I gladly accepted it and kissed her back. Tori's lips were smooth and soft. They connected to mine perfectly. I turned her around without  breaking our kiss and pulled her body right up to mine. I placed one hand on her cheek, but she stood up on her tiptoes and leaned into me. I easily kept Tori up. She weighs literally nothing to me anyways. I had to break the sweet kiss and breathe. She smiled her soft smile and kissed my cheek.

"Stupid Jay. You don't have to breathe anymore. You're already dead."
I chuckled "Damn ya sometimes Victoria. You make me go crazy."
She smirked "Because I'm sexy?"
"Damn sexy" I replied.
"I guess you like a sexy chick huh?" I nodded eagerly.

She touched my face gingerly and I felt a warmth feeling explode in my stomach. She was so amazing and I couldn't describe her. She pulled me into her and I squirmed a little. It made her laugh. I really just wanted to be with her alone. No one else just us. A few candles and staring into each other's eyes with the same passionate flame.
Sadly Tori pulled away and I pouted like a puppy and she pointed down to the ground. I sat down. Tori sat on my feet and turned on some upbeat music. I smiled and she returned one of her full face grins. I wasn't very motivated to actually do the curl ups but she insisted and I couldn't resist her cute puppy face. It was almost heart breaking if I did. I did one and she made me come closer to her lips and kissed me. I went down and did it again and again. Damn she knew I'd do anything for a kiss. I listened to her soft voice count as I went up and down. I guess I had some training to do. I finished after 500 sit ups. She was evil though. My evil mate. "Ok now let's go outside into the running area as you do 500 laps with me on your back." I groaned but she booped my nose. I sat up and bent over so she could get on my back. "Onwards my cutie!" Tori shouted and pointed. I was tempted to fake drop her, but didn't feel like doing 100 more laps added to the 500 I had to do.

I walked out into the training field with the bubbly girl on my back. "Ready. Set. GO!" Tori cried out. I started and she hugged my back. I don't typically have a dirty mind, but I swear I could feel her breasts moving against my back as I ran. That definitely motivated me to go harder just to feel her press them even harder against my back. I smirked and finished in record time. I panted a little, but Tori simply hopped off and I turned my eyes to hers. Victoria was the girl I see a little bit. She must've been happy when she wasn't tortured. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. If we had hearts they would be beating at the same time. Her silky blonde hair was like her cape. I nuzzled my face into her neck and lightly kissed her neck. She laughed a little and I breathed a little against her smooth neck. She shivered a little. I let my fangs slide out and slowly moved them up her neck. My mate let out a small moan and I smiled into her neck. "Tori, I love you so much. Never ever leave me or forget me. Please." Her eyes grew into blue flames. I knew what she was going to say something that she meant. "I will never ever ever stop loving you or forget you. Never." I crashed my lips into hers.
I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room. I felt Tori rest her head against my chest. Her breath quiet and steady. I kissed her cheek and she stirred. I walked into my room. Tori was sleeping peacefully in my arms. I laid on the bed and she curled into my chest. Her hair fell into her face. I smiled and brushed it away. Her scent was intoxicating and I was feeling a little hot. I simply fell asleep and the feeling went away.
I woke up to see Tori was gone. She was in the bathroom fixing her hair. I sat up and watched her with a smile. She walked out and jumped a little. I gave her a confused look. "Sorry I thought you were asleep." Tori gave in an embarrassed  response to my look. I chuckled. I love this girl so much I thought to myself. I really did wonder what went on in her beautiful mind of hers. Although I've been in there once, I hope it isn't the same. Then again Tori always seems like she knows something is wrong with her, but doesn't know what it is. I want to tell her, but I know I can't. I sighed and she crawled onto my chest.
"What?" I asked cautiously.
"Nothin. You sighed and I want to know why." Tori said.

I groaned. I really didn't want to tell her. That is Kyle's job. Not mine. I couldn't hurt my mate like that. It would be too cruel. She would never talk to me again if that happened. I looked at her with compassion in my eyes. "I love you that's why." She smiled and booped my nose. I scrunched it a little and she smiled. I love her smile. I looked into her eyes and saw she didn't believe me. I guess that's understandable. I mean I am the same way so I guess I can't be talking. She didn't ask about it again like I thought she would. Then again she is a soldier, and soldiers don't ask questions.

I pulled her close. I always felt like Tori was a dream. That the next moment the Phoenix will come and take my beautiful angel. I hugged her tightly. I'll never let you go without a fight I promised. She sat up on my stomach. Tori in all her grace and glory leaned down and planted and kiss on my lips. I felt my heart soar through the air. I pulled her down to my chest. She gladly let me. I moved my fingers through her hair gently. Tori wrapped her arms around my neck. It was all too perfect. Then Kyle burst through the doors with the expression of worry on his face.

Tori sat up immediately. Kyle looked at her in a weird way and Tori's eyes lit up into two bright burning flames. "The wall is coming down tonight. We need a plan of attack... Mom isn't making this easy huh?" Tori shook her head sadly. Mom isn't making it easy? Does that mean that women Tori talked to that night at the party? The one she snapped at? My thoughts were all jumbled. I've never seen Tori so distressed. It wasn't normal for her. She looked at me. I looked back not saying a word. Her eyes were full of flames and hatred, but also a tiny flicker of fear. I hugged her. She wanted to cry, but thinks crying is for the weak, and she can't be weak. Tori has too much on her shoulders that weighs her down. She can't give up and I knew that. My weapons will always be at her side.

I grabbed for my scythes. She stood up. Her gaze cold and firm. The happy, bubbly, and joyful Victoria has sunk back to the depths of her essence. The new one emerged from her sleep. The one with the thirst for blood. I shivered and Tori walked out into her dorm room. I guess she was suiting up for battle. A battle I must fight to protect my mate. Something I will win in. Her life is my win. I pulled on the black cape and coat with dark blue in it. The pants were also black, but light weight. The cape swang at my side. I filled the coat with knives, bombs, and ammo. I let my eyes harden into black pits. The black boots held a knife. My scythes swayed at my side as I walked out waiting for my queen. I was ready to actually kill.

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