Chapter 13

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There was a howl and screams from a young child that had to be 10 or younger. I sped over to her location to see what I was hoping to avoid. Nightmares. I forgot it was dark. The moon was blood red and full. It was Devil Night. The night before Hallows Eve.

I saw the girl with curly brown hair and a pink ratty dress being dragged by an older woman that had to be like 30 to 40 years old. The mother was bit. I could smell the blood from a mile away. I went up and jumped off the motorcycle as it zoomed away, but I made it more favorable in my way. I started slashing heads as blood hit my face. My eyes moved around like ones of a sparkler tail as a kid tries to write their name with. I smirked dangerously as there was Nightmares attacking me. Not only were they dumb, but they were fun to kill. I felt like Hercules as he was slicing Hydra heads that kept coming. I don't know why, but I feel like there is a fire inside that I can't help, but kill. That is my main goal. It's what I live for. What I am needed for. The death of Nightmares, humans, vamps, and demons is what makes me Tori.

After the 'battle' I was covered in black ooze. Not the best thing yet not the worst thing that has happen to me tonight. I had a scratch or two, but they were gone in seconds. I looked at the older women and she stared back at me.

"You are infected so that means that you must die. Is your daughter bit?" The mother's eyes went wide, but she looked at the young girl who was clutching onto a tattered teddy bear with a rosey pink bow around it's neck.

"My daughter is fine. Please do not spare me, for I shall die in His name." the woman said through cracked lips that was flaring with fever.

"Please take care of my daughter, for God shall take me and spare her." I was told.
I looked at the girl and my eyes lit up once more. I slashed the woman's head and took the girl's hand. I whistled and the bike came back (thanks to my modifications, swearing, and 'friends').

We saw a few Nightmares, but made it back before the moon was at its peak. I walked the bike and organized my supplies. The girl I rescued name is Sophia. Her mom she saw was murdered (by yours truly), and she says her dad is Death?

I didn't understand that.

Sophia is 8 years old. She had curly brown hair that had an old pink bow on the back of her head. Her only clothes are the pink dress she wears that is tattered, torn, and fading, while also being covered in dirt and other earthy elements. Sophia's eyes were a grayish blue that were dull and lifeless. She just observed me, but I felt I had to protect her. Like I was a mom. I don't know why though. I looked at the girl.

"Hey Sophia let's get you to a room. Tomorrow is-" She cut me off. "I know Tori it's your coronation."
I jumped as she said this. I nodded from what she said.
"I also know that you have to be 1,800 years old. That's what I saw." I was so confused. Saw? I didn't understand.
"Um ok? Well you will sleep in the spare bed in my room."
The girl nodded and was about to just sleep in her rags.
"Hey sweetie lets put you in some nice pjs."

Her eyes went wide. It was as if she never thought she would ever wear anything, but her ratty dress. I smiled and she giggled in a very cute way. She waited as I got a pink nightgown with Cinderella on it. Sophia squealed in excitement. I laughed as she twirled around. "Ok. Ok. Sophia let's get you to bed. Tomorrow we choose your weapon and get you in some training." I told her. I didn't get why she understood everything.
I was about to leave the room to go to my own room when she asks in a soft voice
"Tori will you stay with me. I'm scared of being alone."

I stopped really not wanting to say no, but what am I supposed to say to a girl who's mother I killed. I sighed knowing I'd have to do the right thing. "Alright. I'll stay. Just give me five minutes." The young girl's face lit up with a smile and I mentally smiled.

I don't like smiling. It hurts my heart. All the happiness comes, but so many painful memories came back about Daddy.

I laid with the child for a few hours. I felt the dark, but I knew I had to resist the flame to keep from hurting something or one. My eyes clouded over and I knew that I had to train. It was my 1,800th birthday. I mean it will be the day that all vampire princesses warriors dream of. That isn't weird right?

I walked into my room and slipped on a black dress. It went to my thighs and showed off my body. There wasn't and straps and made my boobs look good. My hair swung effortlessly down my back. I made my eyes pop and look really light, without the death look. I strapped a knife to my right leg and a .40 pistol on my left. My katana strapped to my back and ready to be drawn if needed. I looked at the door to the surface.
I hugged my leather jacket and looked up at the full moon. I felt nothing on the inside except a want for blood. Sadly I knew I wouldn't get it. The breeze blew my hair as the moon reflected it. I smelled the crisp fall air. I was only wanting to be loved. This was also the night that I had killed Count Dracula. I heard the howls in the distance, and the scream of an unlucky victim. I just hopped it wasn't the rat. I kinda needed him to survive, but the weak don't survive in this world. This world is too cruel for everyone. Only the strong will survive. That is how it will be. That is how it will always be until we figure out a cure. That is if there is one. I think it is another one that controls the Nightmares. I can feel another person in their self- conscious. Poor trapped souls that can never be released. I just wished for sleep. I started to train.

World of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora