Chapter 12: Sick Day

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I was feeling a lot better than earlier so I decided to take a cold shower to assume that my fever would permanently go down. After drying and changing to my clean clothes I walk back down stairs and saw dad emerging from the kitchen.

"Hi Pretty! Are you feeling much better?" He asks me.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Any request for dinner tonight?" Dad asks me again.

"I want chinese." I answer him. "I'm craving some fried dumplings."

"Okay!" He says raising his hand with an okay sign.

"Can I have pizza?" Nate looking up towards dad and I away from his work.

"I don't think they make pizza's there." Dad answers tapping his ring finger on his temple from what Nate said. The boy frowns as his request got turn down. Dad sighs from Nate's reaction. "Fine, I'll order a separate pizza."

"Yehey!" Nate clapping his hands eagerly.

I was getting water in the kitchen when a knock on the door was heard.

"I haven't even called yet and their already delivering?" Dad said holding the telephone near his ear. Mom just rolled her eyes from dad's ridiculousness and I simply chuckle with the glass on my hand. Mom went to open the door and check who it was.

"We have visitors." Mom said letting them in, I peek by the kitchen door to see who it was and was surprised to see Serena, Jake and especially Dylan.

"What are you guys doing here?" I immediately ask them.

"No, Hi?" Serena questions.

"Sorry, Hi!" I said my eyebrows meeting as I still couldn't believe that they came.

"Dylan heard you were sick and ask if were coming to see you. I thought we should, so here we are. Tada!" She explains.

"You look really pale to be honest." Jake said examining my face. I cup my face, I thought the colors would be back by now.

"Stupid! She's sick!" As always Serena hits him in the head.

"Hi! Glad it's not deadly or I'll have to finish our chemistry project alone." Dylan jokingly said I wish no colors would reflect on my cheeks, especially red ones. "You're turning-" he was about to point out, so I had to divert the conversation.

"Oh, why don't you all take a sit first." I lead them to the sofa. "This is my little brother Nate,  ofcourse my mom amd my dad in the kitchen." I introduce my family to them.

"Good evening, we are absolutely sorry for visiting unannounced. I'm Serena, this is my stepbrother Jake and this is Liam." Serena was the one to introduced themselves to my mom for the official introduction.

"No worries, It actually makes me happy that you made time to visit Skye." Mom smiles at the polite guest.

"We just wanted to check on her." Serena being too polite with my mom that it was a bit weird. I've known her to be so vulgar, now she seemed like a trained Lioness.

"To check if she's still suitable to be wedded to me." Jake added while winking at me. My eyes widen from his words, he definitely don't know how to slow down. "It was a joke." He soon got caught up with our horrified expression and tried to make amends.

"Okay." Mom forced a smile from what Jake said. "You kids should join us for dinner. We are ordering out, I hope you don't mind."

"We don't want to bother you with that. We just came by to check on Skye." Dylan was the one who answered as Serena was busy probably pinching Jake as a punishment for what he said.

"That's absurd. Stay." She insisted. "I'll talk to husband to order in some more. You kids talk." She left the room to the kitchen.

"Your family are so nice." Serena said as mom finally disappeared to the kitchen.

"I've been told." I told her.

"How you feeling now?" Dylan concernly asks.

"A lot better." I smiled at him.

"You should have seen her this morning, she looks like-" Nate was about to say something that would totally embarrass me, so I took the liberty of stopping him by putting my palm over his mouth.

"You should go and continue that in your room." I held Nate up and push him towards the stairs with his things. He just stick his tongue out to me and went up.

"Sorry about that." I nervously laugh.

"So, you'll be in school tomorrow then." Jake said.

"Yeah, I guess." I told him.

"I could give you some notes if you're still not able to go to school tomorrow." Dylan offered.

"That would be helpful, thank you." I nodded as I agree with him.

"I can too!" Jake also offered eagerly pointing to himself.

"Hush you! You don't even have a notebook!" Serena making fun of her stepbrother yet again, we all laugh except Jake.

"You are a bully! I'll get back at you later." Jake threatening his step sister.

"Whatever!" Serena rolls her yes at him.

"Where's Vanessa?" I ask Dylan.

"She couldn't make it. She has practice but I told her to call you." He says.

"Oh, maybe she'll just call later." I was a little disappointed though.

"Stop it!" Jake laughing pulling Serena's hair, pissing her off.

"Why can't you two just have a truce for maybe a minute?" Dylan said also laughing.

"She started it!" Jake pointing at Serena.

"No! Your fault!" Serena pushes Jake.

"I know your a girl but-"

"But what?" Serena cut Jake's word by pinching his ear.

Which was immediately retaliated by Jake with the same action. "Let go!" He demands.

"You let go!" Serena tugging his ears more.

Serena and Jake quickly fixes their posturr as they saw Mom emerges from the kitchen with a pitcher of orange juice. "You kids must be thirsty."

"Thank you so much." Serena back to her deceiving polite manner, followed by Jake.

"You two never fail to make me laugh." I said laughing at the twos absurd ways.

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