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Disclaimer: slightly mature themes.

I woke up with blood on my hands. A dizzy feeling in my head that refused to go away. I stood up and it blacked for my eyes as I didn't get enough blood in my head. When my body was okay again, I stretched out my arms and back, yawning as I looked out over the beautiful landscape around me. I could have been in heaven. It felt like I was standing on clouds. I wiped the blood off my hands before I looked over myself. Closely studying the form I had gotten this time. Well, not too bad. The hair is new. An icy blue pastel with tones of mint. Falling in large curls around my head. Quite different from my former strawberry blonde. My eyes are the same. My shining, bright, but yet so dark brown eyes. Containing the stars. My eyes stay the same, no matter what from I get. Oh YES! I am TALL! Finally, I must be at least 5'10. I hated being short, my last from was only 4'9. And oooh, look at that, I have curves. Not only curves, nice curves. A distinct hourglass. That is very different from my last life, where I was as curvy as a cardboard box. I look like a doll. A nice mix between a porcelain doll and a Barbie. My skin is pale too, but a good pale. Bone white velvet, smooth and soft. I feel so young, this body must have been eighteen at most. Such a shame for such a young girl. I quickly look over what I'm wearing. A soft cotton blouse with short sleeves, and a quite short skirt. No wait, scratch that. A very short skirt. Shorter than anything I would ever wear. A soft thud was to be heard behind me and I turn my back away and close my eyes. I know from former experiences that the weepers do not like to be looked at. I listen closely to their angelic voices as they gossip about the new one. "Oh boy, this one sure is handsome" "back of Kylie, you know the rules." "Oh come on Jolie, he is gorgeous. Such a shame too, he fell calling out the name of another whom had fallen just a few moments before him." "A girl, wasn't it? I wonder if she was an Omei as well?" "You will have to ask Kim and Oswald, they had the forming before us. This boy is lucky that he is the first we have today. Otherwise it would have taken longer to get him a nice from" The boy on the ground let out a low moan and you heard him start breathing more heavily. "That's our signal, let's go" "I want to talk to him." "You can't" "Can you at least tell me his name?" "I think it was Matthew. Now kylie, we got to go." I felt my body freeze as they said his name. Matthew. Could that be, my Matthew? I felt a soft breeze and knew the Weepers were gone. I turned around to the form on the ground, He turned to lie on his back and took a deep breath before he opened his eyes and stared at the fluffy white clouds and the warm sun. Wiping the blood of his hands in the green grass. "M... Matthew?" I stuttered, and his head snapped my way. "Abigale? Wait, are you a form to?!" He said. "Look who's talking" I fizzed at him Then I walked closer to him and he pulled me down to lie beside him in the grass. "I thought you were gone forever." he said, as he took my hand and started fiddling with my fingers. "I felt so awful for letting go, even though I would come back." "after you, well fell, the monsters Devoured your form. And after that they started chasing me. But I was motivated; I would get out of there, for you..." "Matthew, I..." "Don't start. When the monsters surrounded me. All I could see was you. All I could think was your name. That's when I realized I never had the time to tell you. Abigale... I love you. So, so, much." I place my hand on his chest, right over his heart. Then I look straight into his eyes and smile. "I love you to, Matthew." He smiles at me with so much joy, before he rolls on top of me, pushing me down in the grass with his body and presses his soft lips on mine. It started as a kiss, but it escalated quickly. Soon we were passionately making out. His hands all over my body. Struggling with the buttons in my blouse. A soft thud made us fly away from each other and close our eyes. "well well, Kylie, look, your favorite form must be in love." I heard one of the weepers from before say. "What do you mean... Awe, how cute." I felt their gaze's on me. My blouse dragged down over my shoulders. I quickly pulled it back and buttoned it again. "At least they look pleased with each other's new appearances. I heard from Kim she was a short, chubby redhead before." The weeper named Jolie said. I felt Matthew shift closer to me. "hell yeah I'm pleased" he mumbled, and the weepers both awed as he placed his lips on mine. "Now now love birds, cut it" Jolie said and we stopped kissing. "And look at us, we've got something important to talk to you about." Kylie continued. Matthew wand I both hesitated before slowly moving apart and opening our eyes. "This, is Coral. She's just got her first from and she is completely unaware that she is an omei." "Kylie and I are assigning it as your job to take care of her and make sure she learns about our world, as you both are of the Elder Omei caste." "Wait, really? That is an absolute honor, masters, that you give us the responsibility of such a young Omei. Thank you so much!" Matthew said, Kylie smiled and shook her head at us. "Don't get too excited, she is a tough one." "She just went from a 10, to a 15. Good luck you both, we're leaving." Jolie finished. Matthew and I bowed at them until the soft breeze noticed us that they were gone. The young form made no sign of waking up. So Matthew turned to me again. He placed his hands on my waist, pulling me in for a kiss again. His old form wasn't even half as good looking as this one. He was handsome, sure. But this is even better. At least a foot taller than me, He is more muscular and his jawline, so sharp that it could cut me. I place my arms around his neck and wrap my legs around his waist. He loses his balance, and we fall down on the ground. He moves his hands to the button on my blouse again and opens it completely I move my hands to his shirt. We hear a terrified high pitched scream beside us. Coral has woken up. We fly away from each other once more, just to notice that she hasn't seen us yet. She is looking at her hands with horror. Oh right, the blood is quite scary. I sigh and button my blouse for the second time. No pause in the screaming. She kept on screaming for another 2 minutes, until I placed my hand over her mouth hushing her. "Done soon?" I ask, a little bit bitchier than I planned. "Oh come on Abigale, you were also scared your first time" Matthew says to me, I look at him. "Actually, I wasn't. My parents told me everything I needed to know as I way laying on my deathbed. So I was prepared" "Is that so?" He says with a flirty tone, I was thinking of a good response when Coral licked my hand. "Ew! What's that for?" I yell at her and wipe my hand on the grass. She stares at me angrily. "You seem to know what the shit happened to me. I'd like to know too. "She yells, she was going to continue, but she trails off at the sound of her own voice. She lays her hand on her throat, then she looks down on her body. Her eyebrows fly up and she starts to mover her hands around feeling everything to make sure it's real. She looks at us, opening her mouth to ask but raise my hand to stop her. Matthew Started talking. "Calm down, We'll explain everything to you. Oh, I'm so sorry. My name is Matthew, and she, is Abigale. We are here to take care of you and teach you everything. Before you ask any questions, let's go somewhere more pleasant, shall we? The drop-off is not a place for freshies." He says and I nod. We both stand up but Coral stays on the ground. "Freshie? Why would you call me a freshie? Like, considering how this place looks and the fact that I just died. I'm in heaven. But you two don't really resemble the angels in white. None of you are wearing white. And I'm pretty sure angels are nice." I stare at her. "Let me start of this oh so pleasant visit in "heaven" by telling you you're not in heaven." I whip out my arms at the landscape before dramatically adding. "Welcome, to Crobye." She stares at me with a shocked face. "Crobye? As in Colline Grace's Crobye? The girl who stopped the war between the Omei and the Kazu? That Crobye?" I looked at Matthew and Sighed. "Gosh, Yes. That Crobye. And for a fact, her name is not really Colline Grace. I wish the people of Earth to learn the name of her majesty." Matthew places his hand on my shoulder. "Calm Down Abi, It was her majesty's own choice to give herself a simple name at Earth. For her own safety." I roll my eyes at him. "Still, her name isn't that complicated." Coral waves her hand in front of our faces. "Excuse me? I'm still here you know." I sigh, Matthew answers. "Yes Crobye as in the planet Colline Grace came from, but people here will get offended if you call her that. She is our queen, our leader." "What should I call her then?" I speak before Matthew this time. "Her name and Titles are many. Normally we say Her majesty Lady Isabell, Or just Lady Isabell." Matthew continues. "Her full name, is: Her majesty lady Colline Isabell Nova of Scales." Coral shakes her head. But won't say anything. Matthew Grabs my and then pulls her up from the ground as we start walking away from the drop-off. We walk through the meadow over a small hill to a sandy beach beside a large lake. We follow the sand to a Small stream and sit down at some large rocks. When sitting there. Me and Matthew take turns in explaining for young Coral. That she's not human. We sat for hours just talking. She asked questions. That we answered as good as we could. When the sun started to set, she fell asleep beside the small fire we had lit. Matthew took my hand and we walked away a bit. And we sat down on a larger stone watching the sunset together. It was in that moment I realized.. "Matthew... If we are both Elder Caste Omeis... how come we didn't feel each other's essence?" I ask, he looks at me. "I know why I didn't notice yours, because from the moment I first saw you. All I could think was that you were someone special. But I couldn't put my finger on it. And after a while. I was way too caught up in other emotions to ever feel it." I nod. "I think it must be the same here... I love you Matthew. Forever." He wraps his arms tight around me. "forever" he whispers in his my ear and I place my head softly on his chest. My body falls asleep there. I feel him carry me to the fire and put me down softly. Kissing my forehead once before I let the calm and darkness take me in it's arms.

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