A dream of heart

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Why does it have to be so hard? To get things right, and be someone that people like instead of hate. What am I doing wrong? Why does everyone hate me? Is it because I am trying to be me? Trying to not be a copy of everyone else. I just want to be myself. I want to be a real and proper person. A person with a free mind. Without a "leader" that tells me what's right and what's wrong. I want to live my life my way. So don't you tell me how to do it. One person is all I ask for. For one person to understand. Is that really too much to ask for? My class is shit. A bunch of fake-ass bitches that is all they are. My "friends" are far from real. Talking crap behind each other's backs. Not knowing how a class should be. Not knowing how to be a good person without hate and disgust. That won't judge every single hair on a head. I can't understand why it has to be so hard. To love instead of hate. To accept instead of judge. To be a smarter and better person, than those who are at war. With me, with you. With themselves? Can't they just leave me alone? I did not ask for the fight that you have pushed upon me. I did not ask for war. Yet you say the war was my idea. And now it's me they stare at. Now the blame is mine. For something I didn't do. Can't you just build a void. A void for me to fall through. I just want to leave. To leave, and never return. I need an open mind. To see where I can go. Can't you just take me into your warm safe arms. So that I can hide, from the monsters that I see. I never feel at home. Nowhere is safe for me. Why do I have to go, and see them every day. The mean ones and the hating. Who think they are so great. So large, so tall, so FAKE. I just want to sleep, safe here in your arms. Cause you might someday understand, why my life is so hard. They never invite me to the fun. Never call when they chase the sun. All I can do is sit and watch. As they enjoy their life. They are so down to earth. It's like they don't even know. That people are supposed to be different. The only company that I have left. Is my old Teddy, and my boo's chest. On which I will lay my head. Arms around me tightly. As I fall asleep, to dream of a better world. As I fall asleep. With hope, for a better tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed, leave a comment if you feel like it. It's not a have to, but I'd appreciate it.
With love, Maia

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