Fall of Jonathan

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There is a time and a place for everything. And this, this is not the right time or the right place for his death. Tears of crystal streaming down my cheeks when large black wings burst out of my back and fall like a cape behind me.

'I don't want to be like this!' I scream up to the dark sky, the sound of lightning it's only response. The fallen lies on the ground before my feet. My tears shattering on his skin. I wish I was like the princesses in all those movies. With magical tears that could heal him back to me. But reality doesn't work that way. Not at all. The one I love lies before me. And he is dead. The rain starts to fall from the dark clouds and he is soaked in just a few seconds. But the rain just bounces off me. Wrong, it's not even bouncing. The cold droplets don't fall above me, avoiding me. I am hovering over dry ground. My tears mixed with the rain and the song is on repeat in my head...

Let the rain fall on the fallen

Let my tears blend with the rain

And let my tears fall on the fallen

To show what true sorrow is

Let my tears turn crystal of sorrow

And let them shatter on his skin

For when my tears fall on the fallen

I see the world has reached its end.

A sorrows song, how fitting. I see a light through the trees that stand above me. It's the people from the village nearby. They must have heard me screaming. Or maybe they have seen the hurricane gathering around me and him. The hurricane here to create me. Create me to be just like the unnatural creature I really am. They are walking with flaming torches, most of them carrying weapons. Because it is me, after all. I am the danger. They enter the clearing, the same moment as the hurricane speeds up around me. My wings, desperately moving to keep me off the ground. The hurricane faster and faster around me as my body starts to change.

"Back away or the storm will catch you!" One of the men yell to the others, a warning. Everyone backs a couple of steps, clearly afraid of me. Afraid of whom they used to call friend. Used to chat loudly and fill the air with laughter. But not anymore. I start screaming at the top of my lungs. The pain of the creating is unbearable. my skin torn into pieces to make room for new, stronger skin. Rock hard, but smooth as a petal. My simple dress torn into pieces and turned into a long, slim dress of black velvet. I feel my soft, human form change. My waist slimming, my hips softening. Even my bust changes and grows to fill the fabric in my dress. I feel my  face change from my spotted, freckled roundness to a more long, tall shape. More defined. My eyes and lips growing. My eyes changing from brown to black. My hair grows longer. A boulder lifts up from the ground and cracks like an egg above my head. From inside the boulder. A crown of black metal, jeweled with black and clear crystals falls in place on the top of my head. My wings grow even larger. And as if it was given a signal. The storm stops and I fall to the ground. To my own confusion i land on my own to feet. Now that the storm has calmed, everyone is staring at me. For the first time I feel like I cannot move. It feels like I am frozen to a statue. A man tries to walk closer but vines shoot up from the ground and twist around his feet to make him stop. The freeze around me falls and I fall down to my knees beside the fallen. Heart tearing sobs falling over my lips as I realize that he really is gone. I lay my head on his chest, where I always hear his heart beating. Only to be welcomed by silence. His heart has stopped beating forever.

"Get away from him! Get away from the boy, you witch!" They yell at me. I hear a woman's voice rising over the soft whispers from the men.

"Who is it? Who is she? What has she done to my son?!" Her voice breaks into heartbroken sobs. Miranda. I let him go and slowly stand up as my wings spread out behind me. I start to whisper.

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