I laughed. "The Nova Brothers invited me to eat lunch with them!" Well okay...Drew had but whatever.

    Stephanies' eyes went wide with surprise. "What!?"


Lunch didn't come fast enough.

      I sat in my fourth period Math class, staring at the clock hanging above the teacher's desk. I followed the clock hand as it went Tik-Tok-Tik-Tok. When the bell finally rang to dismiss classes for lunch I stood and threw my hands up with a loud "Woooooooooooooooooooot!"

     Receiving startled looks from my teacher and classmates, I rushed to the door, beating everyone else out. I ran down the hall, dark hair flying loosely behind me as I clutched my hands onto the strap of my brown book bag. It wasn't surprising that I got strange looks from the people I ran past but I didn't care.

      I'm going to eat lunch with the famous Nova Brothers!!

      "Woooooot" I shouted, running down the hall with my hands flapping in the air. I skidded around the corner and spotted the exit leading to the bench table where the brothers hung out during lunch with their followers.

      I ran towards the exit and jumped outside. I looked around wildly and the biggest smile crossd my face when I spotted the brothers walking towards their table, surrounding by many girls and a few guys as usual.

      "Drew!" I shouted, jumping up and down as I waved both my arms to get their attention. "Adam! Roman!"

     The brothers looked back at my direction and I laughed with excitement. Drew smiled back at me and waved a hand. "Come here, Casey!"

    He didn't have to tell me twice!

      I ran, bumping past a couple of students before finally reaching the brothers. Without hesitating, I threw myself at Drew and he laughed, catching me in his arms. He even spun me around a couple of times before setting me back down on my feet.

      "Well I see someone feels better," he said in a teasing voice, light gray eyes twinkling down at me with amusement.

      I giggled giddily. I felt so excited! To actually have lunch with them...to hang out with them! Best day of my life!

      "What is she doing here?" I snobby voice said from behind me. I glanced back to find the same two girls that had been talking about me this morning. Blondie and Miss Wavy hair. Blondie had her arms crossed, glaring at me while her partner in crime stood beside her with the same expression and posture.

      "Carol," Drew said, smiling at the blond before turning his gaze at her friend, "Janet. I'd like you all to meet Casey."

      "Baxtor," I whispered to him, still clinging my arms around his neck.

      "Oh excuse me," he chuckled, "Casey Baxtor."

      "Is she eating lunch with us?" Blondie-I mean Carol- asked. Her voice sounded sweet my her eyes glared daggers at me.

     Uh oh.

      "Yup," Drew said, "I invited her to have lunch with us."

      Janet snorted. "I can't believe you actually invited her after she puked all over poor Adam." Everyone looked at Adam. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?"

     Adam, a guy that was obviously used to having all eyes on him brushed their looks off, his own eyes settling on me. Or at least I'm pretty sure he was looking at me. He was still wearing those dark shades so of course no one was ever sure where he could be looking.

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