Chapter 23 Our First Date

Começar do início

She rolled her eyes.

"And you aren't?"

I wasn't. "Maybe a little."

"He might be crying right now," she said.

Or smoking.

"Eh," I shrugged.

Still, I took out my cell phone and texted him apologizing. He didn't reply as expected. After sending him ten or so texts, I made a final one.

I'll wait for you to pick me up for our first date.

Was it even a date?

I didn't know when or if he was even going to come pick me up. He probably changed his mind. In case he did show up, I was ready for it in my black denim jeans, black and white stripped shirt, and a red leather jacket on top. The leather jacket was a birthday gift from Hestia last year. It finally came to use.

I sat on my bed, glancing out the window once in a while.

Can't say I didn't try.

One new message showed on my phone after three hours.

I excitedly checked it.

How's it going?
~Paris of Troy

I exhaled loudly, unhappy that it wasn't Nolan. I replied I was fine.

I have important news to share. Do you have time to talk?

I didn't need any more news in my life. For the sake of courtesy and lack of Nolan, I called Paris.

"What's up?" I asked.

"The sky?"

I sighed. People couldn't give actual responses, could they? Was it so difficult? "Paris, what news did you want to give me?"

"Ruth is getting married," he said on the other end.

I frowned. "What?"

"Yeah, my parents aren't too happy with her and want her getting married soon." He sounded upset. "In our Amish community, marriages happen at a young age. I need you and your wannabe boyfriend's help."

I disregarded the wannabe boyfriend part. Paris didn't know anything. I had dropped his entire scheme after the accident.

"Help? For wedding planning?" I asked.

"For wedding destroying," he replied. "My sister's not even eighteen. I know Nolan will gladly break the wedding before it even happens to take revenge. Please just convince him for me. I know he won't refuse if you ask him."

Was he serious?

"What happened to helping Nolan move on?" I inquired.

"A delay won't hurt."

"Why don't you just talk to your parents?"

"They won't listen," he said in a flat tone. "If you don't want to help, I'll understand. You were my last hope."

We fell into silence and I didn't know what to do next.

Was breaking an entire Amish wedding worth it?

A loud car horn honked outside. I ran up to my window and peeped. Nolan sat in his car, looking straight ahead. I grinned widely. He didn't stood me up as I had been hoping. I hurried to put on my boots and grab a scarf on my way out of the room. Paris was calling my name on the phone.

"Hey, I'll talk to Nolan and let you know our decision," I told him quickly. "Bye."

I waved at my mom on the way out.

The Eighth Breakup ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora