Land of the Living

Start from the beginning


Bonnie stood alone in the church waiting for the inevitable, she could feel it coming she didn't look forward to the pain that occurred when a supernatural past through to the other side, but it was her job now, Katherine Pierce was dead she didn't know how she knew she just knew. Thyra Mikaelson had taken Katherine from the boarding house yesterday to die in peace, Bonnie didn't understand, I mean Klaus hated Katherine so why didn't Thyra?

Then again Katherine had told them all that they travelled together, for a few years and had gotten close, they were both evil so she at leased they had that in common. Bonnie hated them both, Thyra and Katherine had both played a part in Jeremy's death, when they went to search for the cure for vampirism months ago. Bonnie just couldn't wait to get this over with so she didn't have to deal with either of them ever again.

Thyra Mikaelson may have left MysticFalls, but like the first time she left, she left chaos in her wake. Apparently Damon had slept with the original and he hadn't even been compelled, then again Damon also had a history with Thyra, they had been friends in the seventies, but he had just broke up with Elena, his bed wasn't even cold before he slept with Thyra, who Elena despised, for ruining her life.

After the huge fight her best-friend and Damon had, things had become more than awkward, Damon tried to deny it until Elena showed him the text Thyra had sent from Katherine's phone, that and the fact Thyra's shredded clothes where still in his room, idiot.

Bonnie stood up sighing deciding to light a candle for her dead father, who she missed more than anything, she wished he was still here; a laugh behind her interrupted her moment.

"You've got to be kidding me, right?" Katherine laughed, as Bonnie turned and gave her an annoyed look.

"Something tells me I'm about five centuries delayed, on the whole believing in a higher power thing" Katherine smirked, of all places she was supposed to past to the other side, the last place she expected it to be was in a church, oh the irony.

Katherine wasn't here to die she was here, for only moments as Thyra was planning to bring her back from the dead, in exchange for coming with her to New Orleans, it was an easy deal and Katherine trusted Thyra, and that said a lot.

Katherine trusted nobody, she only recently started to trust her daughter, but she trusted Thyra Mikaelson, ever since that day back in 2002 in Miami, when the original saved her from being brought to Klaus, where her life most likely would have ended.

The original of course compelled her not to betray her but after spending time with her distant aunt, she found herself not wanting to betray Thyra, she knew how to have fun, over time she became a friend of sorts, if Katherine didn't trust Thyra she would be in Elena's body right now trying to get Stefan's affections.

Katherine couldn't lie, she loved Stefan but there was another who she loved more and had loved for over five-hundred years, Elijah Mikaelson. The last time they had spoken it was awful, but with her second chance she was determined to change if only for the love of Elijah.

"You're dead" Bonnie spoke walking towards Katherine.

"True, then again your friends saw to that, Elena feeding me the cure then I was feed to Silas, harsh" Katherine stated sarcastically.

"Let's get this over with" Bonnie snapped stepping towards the doppelganger, Katherine stepped back and smirked.

"Elena thinks she's won, but she's wrong, she always get's what she wants but for once, I'm going to get everything I want" Katherine smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean" the ex witch glared.

"I'll say it again; Elena had the life I always wanted until now, heh" Katherine could feel a little pull in her stomach; she knew her time being dead was nearly up.

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